02-03 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Controls ) 05:07 02-02 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Interface ) 04:39 02-01 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( What is VBA ) 02:23 02-10 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Expressions Math Operators ) 03:47 02-09 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Putting Data in Variable )...
CATVisPropertiesValues piTextPropertiesPoint; piTextPropertiesPoint.SetSymbol(CROSS); CATIVisProperties * pvispropties=NULL; CATVisPropertyType iPropertyType = CATVPSymbol; CATIDrwAnnotationFactory_var spAnnFactory=NULL_var; ipSectionView->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDrwAnnotationFactory,(void **)&spAnnFactor...
We are going to simplify the CATIA sketch plane by hiding the portion of the material that is not needed for sketching, providing better visibility on the cross section. What do you mean by ISO-Constraints in CATIA? If all degrees of freedom of CATIA geometry have been arrested by a ...
4:剖面/投影(Section/Projection Callout) 1)大小不取决于视图比例(Size not dependent on view scale):针对V5R11以前的版本有效。 视图(View) 5.13视图(View) 1: 几何图形生成与修饰(Geometry Generation / Dress-up) 1)生成轴线(Generate axis):勾选选项后,可以快速生成在3D模式下创建的旋转轴。
View product structure tree and hide/show different items within that structure Include attachments so that a complete technical data package can be created Manually mark-up and annotation Cross section parts Change the graphics for the 3D data using Model Rendering ...
1. Which suffix describes a Catia V5 component? *.Model 3. CATIA Sketcher uses what color for overlapping elements? Magenta CAT Part SKE Part None of the above 5. Which of these does not describe a conic section?
SLOT removes the material along a guide curve. Here is an example of slot. While using SLOT, I have used the same guide curve that was used for RIB. This ensures that the cross section will be uniform throughout. Step 4: Assembly Module ...
5:视图轴 (View axis) 1) 在当前视图中显示视图轴 (Display in the current view)2)可缩放 (Zoomable)3)参考尺寸 (Reference size) :修改显示大小 6:启动工作台 (Start Workbench)1)启动工作台时隐藏新建对话框 (Hide new dialog box when starting workbench) :选上时,将隐藏新建工程图对话框。
Once published the viewer will be able to view the 3D model, interrogate the model tree sub-assemblies, turn components in assemblies on and off, shade and render for technical authoring, view as a solid, wireframe and even cross section components and assemblies. CAD data publishing just ...
view1- In the Model.CATPart, Put the ExplodedPlySurfaces OpenBody in NoShow第108页/共143页 109Defining General Sheet: Solid active (2/2)Defining annotations1- Use the V5 Drafting tools for the annotations definition第109页/共143页 110Defining General Sheet: Explode active (1/4) Sheet.2 ...