来自Youtube的Video-Tutorials.Net频道的Catia教学视频,"Catia fundamental".讲解废话没有,直接入题,值得学习.关键是英语解释.学习者一举两得. 02-03 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Controls ) 05:07 02-02 CATIA v5 TUTORIAL Macro ( Interface ) 04:39 ...
Cross Section Tangent Lines Arl+Shift+E部分截面切向直线 Contour Mapping轮廓绘制 Texture Mapping结构绘制 Continuity连续性, 连贯性 Curve to Curve Ctrl+Shift+O曲线对曲线检查 Surface and Curve曲面对曲线检查 Multi-Surface Shift+O曲面间的连续性检查 Surface Gap/Angle Plot曲面间隙或角度检查Deviation偏差 To ...
piTextPropertiesPoint.SetSymbol(CROSS); CATIVisProperties * pvispropties=NULL; CATVisPropertyType iPropertyType = CATVPSymbol; CATIDrwAnnotationFactory_var spAnnFactory=NULL_var; ipSectionView->QueryInterface(IID_CATIDrwAnnotationFactory,(void **)&spAnnFactory); CATI2DWFFactory_var sp2DFactory; ip...
(2/4) View and Section creation Defining General Sheet: Explode active (3/4) Annotation definition with Text Template (Plies only) Defining General Sheet: Explode active (4/4) Annotation definition with Text Leader Defining Sheet for Table Integration (1/2) Sheet.3 creation Defining Sheet for...
We are going to simplify the CATIA sketch plane by hiding the portion of the material that is not needed for sketching, providing better visibility on the cross section. What do you mean by ISO-Constraints in CATIA? If all degrees of freedom of CATIA geometry have been arrested by a ...
8. Curvature cross-section needles across the part - we make sure the rate of Change of curvature (or the flow of the capping line across the top of the part) is Very gentle and well behaved. The physical meaning: Class A refers to those surfaces, which are CURVATURE continuous to each...
The way a 3d model can be visualized and the way it can be represented on a 1:1 section of either from view, top view or side view gives a clear model that can be further used. Also it gives user an option where type of motion can be linked for various parts and how it visualize...
CATIA has integrated a Multi-disciplinary approach and a Cross-discipline development platform. It is based on Advance Surface Modelling and has an Unbreakable Relational Design. With an amazing 3D user experience, workflows, and Social Design Environment. It even helps in the designing of electrical...
catia界面中英文对照 菜单中英文对照表 英文菜单名称子菜单名称功能键Ctrl+OAlt+S 打开存盘另存为自动存盘中文 File-文件 OpenSaveSaveasAutosaveFileHardcopyScreenDumpPostScriptOutputCopytoClipbordErrorNeedleReportDimensionReportViewLogFileImportSketchExit 硬Copy 复制到剪贴板尺寸报表查看注册文件读入草图 Alt+X 退出 ...
5:把3D标注转换成平面视图(View From 3D) 1)保留2D提取标注的布局和修饰(Keep layout and dress-up of 2D extracted annotations) 2)生成2D几何图形(Generate 2D geometry) 3)创建注释(Generate red cross on annotation) 4)同步更新(Synchronize during update) 生成(Generation) ...