(1/2) 1.IntroductiontoGenerativeDrafting创成式制图介绍 GenerativeDraftingWorkbenchPresentation创成式制图工作平台展示 2.StartingaDrawingandViewGeneration开始制图和视图的生成 StartingaGeneratedDrawing创成式制图的开始 DefiningtheMainViews定义主要视图 3.AdditionalViewGeneration其他视图的生成 SectionViewsandCuts剖视图和...
11. the right mouse button on the note icon in the project: (1) the injection hole size in semi section view, The size of line is often half, to extend the line only in the side. If you simply click on the hole contour line, press the left button to confirm, there is the size...
Using the Escape button 使用退出按钮使用ese按钮qUse the Escape (Esc) button to exit a command.使用esc按钮退出命令Managing Symmetry 对称操作The symmetry of the elements being deformed can be easily managed using the multi-selection. 26、 Using theappropriate view, draw a trap and select one of...
一、Process流程 GenerativeDraftingworkbenchandInteractiveDraftingworkbenchareexactlythesameexceptforthetoolsallowingtogeneratetheviewsgeometryfromthe3Dautomaticallyandtodimensionthemautomaticallytoo.Sketcher PartDesign Associativelink AssemblyDesign GenerativeDrafting -AGenerateView(s)Geometry -BDimension View(s)Design...
It is used to connect all the parts to create a complete component or a machine. In this section, we can even assemble the components to get an entire machine or a structure. Generative Shape Design Generative Shape Design workbench allows users to create wireframe elements and develop an exi...
其它视图的生成Additional View Generation 本章你将在图纸中生成剖视图, 局部视图,俯视图,轴测图和 打断视图等。 In this lesson you will generate section, detail, auxiliary, isometric and broken views on a drawing. 加剖视图和剖面图Adding Section Views and Cuts You will learn how to add section ...
The CATIA cut part by sketch plane option shows how to make some edges visible to be used for referencing CATIA geometry. We are going to simplify the CATIA sketch plane by hiding the portion of the material that is not needed for sketching, providing better visibility on the cross section....
The way a 3d model can be visualized and the way it can be represented on a 1:1 section of either from view, top view or side view gives a clear model that can be further used. Also it gives user an option where type of motion can be linked for various parts and how it visualize...
How do I take measurements at different plane sections through an assembly? I am able to view sections but not able to pick off measurements at the sections. I was thinking to intersect the partbody with a plane and then pick off measurements from the intersection as a work around? Thanks ...