CATHOLIC AND EVANGELICAL : A Lutheran ViewRegin PrenterEcumenical Review
the infallible rule of interpretation of scripture is the scripture itself. While some Protestant apologists claim that the church fathers held to the formal view of sufficiency of scripture, the evangelical author Timothy Ward writes, in general, the fathers assert the material sufficiency of scriptu...
What happens when someone who’s new to the Faith thinks he understands a complex, technical matter and then tries to publicly shame someone who’s much more experienced? Let’s find out! Let Me Tell You a Story . . . Let me tell you a story. A while back, an Evangelical YouTuber ... is the Christian matrimony site, connecting Pentecost, Evangelical, Protestant, Orthodox, and Catholic singles across the globe. Find your perfect match from Kerala, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and North Indian communities in the US, Unit
I disagree with your view of those who burn and squat over American flags to publicly desecrate them. Done by foreigners in any foreign land, it might be more excusable; but here, in America, done by American citizens, under free speech? No. They don’t even honor the blood shed for ...
who published the popular Scofield Reference Bible in 1909. Zionist eschatology is held by most Fundamentalist, Pentecostal, and Evangelical Protestant sects, and is one of the biggest falsehoods ever fabricated about the end times. We will briefly address some of the most obvious problems with Zio...
A Consideration of the Roman Catholic Claim (Crossway Books:2008), and Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences (Baker Academic:1995). For additional resources by Dr. Geisler on Roman Catholicism, please visit
But… they weren’t, unless one thinks that Christ gave Peter His authority in view of Peter’s future in Rome. Possible, but there’s no Biblical evidence for that. On the surface, it looks like one could be Successor of Peter (who can be anywhere) and someone else Bishop of Rome ...
I disagree with your view of those who burn and squat over American flags to publicly desecrate them. Done by foreigners in any foreign land, it might be more excusable; but here, in America, done by American citizens, under free speech? No. They don’t even honor the blood shed for ...
(I) The doctrine of the Church is summed up in the imitation of Jesus Christ. This imitation expresses itself in good works, in self-sacrifice, in love of suffering, and especially in the practice of the three evangelical counsels of perfection—voluntary poverty, chastity, and obedience. The...