We have claimed we love the flock by feeding them, forgetting Jesus’ command to tend them. We have encouraged for ordination not those who prove that they are the most loving of people but those who are confident and good on their feet, those who can get a job done. The deficit of l...
Hats reading, “God, Guns and Trump,” and “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president,” are sold at a campaign rally for former president Donald Trump in Vandalia, Ohio, on Saturday, March 16, 2024. The former president has increasingly infused his campaign events with Chri...
I am relatively new to the concept of universalism. The only discussion I’ve ever had on it was with someone who quoted Matt 12:32 and asked why Jesus would need to say in this life “or the next” in regards to blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. So from that I’m assuming even univer...
At the rally’s entrance, one group handed out pamphlets urging attendees both to “trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation” and to support the “J6 patriots.” Jody Picagli of Englewood, Ohio, said her Catholic faith and views on abortion are central...
“Jesus is not Democrat or Republican,” he said. “Some see their Christian values being represented by the Republican party and others see some of their values represented by the Democrats. But neither party is Christian in essence.”
subscribes to the historic decisions of the early church councils. We hold dearly to the deity of Christ, the virgin conception, salvation through Jesus Christ, and the Trinity. We also believe in the unity of Scripture and consider the Bible as the final authority on all issues of faith an...
It’s all about Jesus! Faith as an oppositional collegiate subculture. Sterling, VA: Stylus. Google Scholar Markofski, Wes. 2015. New monasticism and the transformation of American evangelicalism. New York: Oxford University Press. Book Google Scholar Marsden, George M. 1994. The soul of ...
a portal for demonic possession, or he would have thrown the whole machine out. And certainly, no one literally believes Donald Trump is a Bible-believing Christian, but since it suits their purposes to claim he is, they will "believe" he is saved by th...
environmentalists have also demonstrated a surprising failure of concern for truth and are at risk of undercutting the traditional evangelical strategy of using concrete help for the poor as a means of winning a sympathetic hearing for the gospel of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.Phillips...
Carter represented a religious tradition where a White evangelical could credibly claim to be a Bible-believing, “I’ve been saved by the blood of Jesus” Christian — and still be politically progressive, saysRandall Balmer, author of “Redeemer: The Life of Jimmy Carter.” ...