While evangelicals appear to be moving toward greater acceptance of marriage as a legal right, they still oppose the idea of same-sex marriage. The General Social Survey findings differ from polls by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. Pew does not ask about “the right to...
I am reblogging this post and commenting: Here is a thoughtful and intelligent discourse on creationism, written by an evangelical Christian, Scott Buchanan, who has a PhD in chemical engineering. I’m reblogging his post from his blog, Letters to Creationists. At over 10,000 words, it’s...
2011. City of man, city of God: The re-urbanization of American evangelicals. City and Society 23(1): 1–22. Article Google Scholar Chaves, Mark. 2004. Congregations in America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Google Scholar Chaves, Mark, Shawna Anderson, and Jason Byassee. ...
Sister Nirmala talked to Catholics who told her about Jesus Christ, and she decided to love and follow Jesus and so converted from Hinduism to Catholicism. Now Sister Nirmala follows in Mother Theresa’s footsteps, serving and loving only the Christian God, and is the worldwide head of the M...
Roe V. Wade Anniversary: How Abortion Became an Evangelical Issue (Posted 2013-01-22 18:58:59) ; What Catholics Taught Evangelicals about the Moral Emergency of AbortionMohler, R Albert
do any like my now over such our man me even most made after also did many fff before must well back through years much where your way down should because long each just state those people too mr how little good world make very year still see own work men day get here old life both...
The Catholics are losing because sane people have your number. They carry on with double standards and hypocrisies and then hide behind the Cross in doing so. Very clever. Have they ever thought maybe God doesn't like that and is going to ensure their sins find them out, dear church? Tha...