著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起……凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他...
As a contemporary and early supporter of Freud, Carl Jung develop a viewpoint of personality referred to as analytical psychology, which placed a greater emphasis on the nature and depth of the role of the unconscious mind in the operation and expression of personality. Beyond the personal ...
大师荣格(Carl Jung)的名言(中英文) The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. 潜意识表象赋予人以巨大责任。不理解这...
荣格用了一些特定的词汇来描述心灵的各个部分,包括意识(conscious)和潜意识(unconscious)在内。这些概念源自于他大量的临床观察经验。荣格概念中的心理图谱可划分成两个基本的区块:意识与潜意识。潜意识又可以进一步地区分为个人潜意识和集体潜意识(collective unconscious),这个词至今依然是讨论荣格心理学时使用最广泛的词...
The Girl with a Clock for a Heart 代找电子书 ebook021 63 0 Mauzoleum. Thomas Arnold. 代找电子书 ebook021 21 0 Tango. Czarny kryminał retro Michał Witkowski 代找电子书 ebook021 20 0 Очём думаетмояголовааудиосказкаслушать代找...
1、著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他...
“. . .when a living organism is cut off from its roots, it loses a connection with the foundation of its existence and must necessarily perish.” Carl Jung, Aion Carl Jung dedicated his life to a single goal, which as he notes in his autobiography, was
What is the unconscious mind, according to Carl Jung? Carl Jung: Swiss psychologist Carl Jung was born in 1875 and was a contemporary of Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. He was a proponent of analytic psychology, which focussed more on the struggles a person was having in the present, rat...
Carl Jung,Jung image,persona- (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world; "a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty" anima- (Jungian psychology) the inner self (not the external persona) that is in touch with the unconscious ...
大师荣格(Carl Jung)的名言(中英文) The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. 潜意识表象赋予人以巨大责任。不理解这...