著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起……凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他...
大师荣格(Carl Jung)的名言(中英文) The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. 潜意识表象赋予人以巨大责任。不理解这...
著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起……凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他...
1、著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他...
As a contemporary and early supporter of Freud, Carl Jung develop a viewpoint of personality referred to as analytical psychology, which placed a greater emphasis on the nature and depth of the role of the unconscious mind in the operation and expression of personality. Beyond the personal ...
“. . .when a living organism is cut off from its roots, it loses a connection with the foundation of its existence and must necessarily perish.” Carl Jung, Aion Carl Jung dedicated his life to a single goal, which as he notes in his autobiography, was
Jung, Carl (religion, spiritualism, and occult) Carl Jung was a turn-of-the-twentieth-century psychoanalyst whose formulation of psychology had a major impact on modern astrology. Jung was born in Basel, Switzerland, on July 26, 1875. After completing medical school, he went on to study psyc...
著名心理家荣格学(CarlG.Jung)生前就已荣荣得了巨大的,但他却一直声誉 保持着自己的“平民荣度”而荣荣在精神上荣得是一位“巨人”或“荣族”。“他跟 所有的人荣荣都坦率自然,毫不腔作荣,不管荣方是名人荣是中生装学.他十分民主, 一点也不拿架子和自荣荣了不起……凡是荣格有荣私人接的人,事后都提到...
荣格(Carl Jung)是一位观察敏锐、涉猎广泛的西方著名心理学家,从中国的道家、《易经》、藏传佛教,到印度的瑜伽、日本的禅学,几乎无所不包。荣格阅读过大量有关中国宗教哲学文化的书籍。荣格在其自传《回忆·梦·思考》结束时,写了这么一段话:“当老子说,‘众人皆明,唯吾独懵’的时候,他所表达的就是我此时所...
大师荣格(Carl Jung)的名言(中英文) The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. 潜意识表象赋予人以巨大责任。不理解这...