The unconscious is the unwritten history of mankind from time unrecorded. 潜意识是未曾付诸文字的人类洪荒时代史。 Man’s task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious.人的任务,就是意识到从潜意识中努力向上涌出的内容。 The dream is a little hidden door in t...
The first half of life is devoted to forming a healthy ego, the second half is going inward and letting go of it. Carl Jung The world will ask you who you are, and if you don’t know, the world will tell you. Carl Jung Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct you...
Carl Jung (26 July 1875 to 6 June 1961) founded the field of analytical psychology. He is famous for his work on the collective unconsciousness, the idea that we are all introverts or extroverts, and the theory of personality types defining humanity. The collective unconscious is the deep la...
This study examines the "collective unconscious" concept posited by Carl Jung. It covers the definition of collective unconscious, the key aspects...
“. . .when a living organism is cut off from its roots, it loses a connection with the foundation of its existence and must necessarily perish.” Carl Jung, Aion Carl Jung dedicated his life to a single goal, which as he notes in his autobiography, was
Carl Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of a neopsychoanalytic school of psychology, which he namedAnalytical Psychology. His most notable contributions include his concept of the psychologicalarchetype, his theory ofsynchronicityand thecollective unconscious- also known as "a reservoir of the ex...
荣格名言(CarlJungQuotes) FamouspsychologistCarlJung(CarlJung)Proverbs(Chineseand English) FamouspsychologistCarlJung(CarlG.Jung)haswonagreat reputationbeforehisdeath,buthehasalwaysmaintainedhis "civiliandemeanor",butonlyinthespiritofa"giant"or "aristocracy.""."Hetalkstoallofthemopenly,naturallyand withoutaff...
Alp Bal
Carl Jung--his story, his thought, and his impact on contemporary psychology--at Mythos & Logos. With links galore!
Jung recognized the self as the union between an individual’s unconsciousness and consciousness. The self is created through the process of individuation, where various aspects of one’s personality join to form a whole. When the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind do not fit well, or...