荣格用了一些特定的词汇来描述心灵的各个部分,包括意识(conscious)和潜意识(unconscious)在内。这些概念源自于他大量的临床观察经验。荣格概念中的心理图谱可划分成两个基本的区块:意识与潜意识。潜意识又可以进一步地区分为个人潜意识和集体潜意识(collective unconscious),这个词至今依然是讨论荣格心理学时使用最广泛的词...
As a contemporary and early supporter of Freud, Carl Jung develop a viewpoint of personality referred to as analytical psychology, which placed a greater emphasis on the nature and depth of the role of the unconscious mind in the operation and expression of personality. Beyond the personal ...
荣格用了一些特定的词汇来描述心灵的各个部分,包括意识(conscious)和潜意识(unconscious)在内。这些概念源自于他大量的临床观察经验。荣格概念中的心理图谱可划分成两个基本的区块:意识与潜意识。潜意识又可以进一步地区分为个人潜意识和集体潜意识(collective unconscious),这个词至今依然是讨论荣格心理学时使用最广泛的词...
Jung divided the contents of the unconscious into two main categories – the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The personal unconscious consists of elements that are a product of our individual history. It is composed of contents that could have been conscious, or that once were ...
Jung, C. G. (1939). In memory of Sigmund Freud.Sonntagsblatt der Basler Nachrichten, 1 October 1939.http://www.chmc-dubai.com. Accessed 29 Nov 2018. Jung, C. G. (1939/1990). Conscious, unconscious, and individuation. In C. G. Jung (Ed.),The archetypes and the collective unconsci...
1、著名心理学家荣格(Carl G. Jung )生前就已经获得了巨大的声誉,但他却一直保持着自己的“平民风度”而仅仅在精神上显得是一位“巨人”或“贵族”。“他跟所有的人谈话都坦率自然,毫不装腔作势,不管对方是名人还是中学生.他十分民主,一点也不拿架子和自认为了不起凡是与荣格有过私人接触的人,事后都提到他...
Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. 人的任务,就是意识到从潜意识中努力向上涌出的内容。 The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before...
According to Jung, the collective unconscious serves to inspire behavioral responses by utilizing archetypes to provide meaning to conscious experiences.Jung's Collective Unconscious Carl Jung was a Swiss psychologist whose work was influenced by Sigmund Freud, often referred to as the founding father of...
Quotes by Carl Jung Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who l...
Man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. 人的任务,就是意识到从潜意识中努力向上涌出的内容。 The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before...