He then advised the government to not delay the implementation of the carbon tax for too long. Indonesia officially joined the global network of carbon trade by unveiling its first international carbon trade transactions at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) in Jakarta on Monday. Related news:Indo...
Carbon Trade in Indonesia: Social Political Problem in Local Context Under Implementation of REDD ProgramCarbon TradeIndonesian ForestProblem AnalysisREDDClimate change policy analysis has often focused on global issues, with little attention given to national level debates, particularly those in developing ...
Trade-offs between land-based mitigation measures Outcomes from our mitigation scenarios with regard to LULUCF and BECCS removals encompass a large share of the variability observed in AR6 pathways (Fig. 1 left panel). The 2 °C Main scenario with all land system carbon fully priced (100%-...
In 2023, LNG comprised 14% of global natural gas demand, with global LNG trade rising by 7 million tonnes to reach 404 million tonnes, according to Shell. Natural gas has already peaked in some regions. However, the latest industry estimates suggest global LNG demand could surge to up to ...
Wood consumption, harvesting and trade data Model development needed extensive effort to estimate the quantities of wood harvests required to meet each unit of wood production consumption by wood product category in a manner consistent with FAO consumption, production and trade data. Estimation of relat...
several studies investigated the relationship between trade openness and carbon emissions on the empirical front, but due to mixed results, no clear consensus can be drawn. For instance, some studies show that trade openness upsurges carbon emissions and degrades the quality of the environment (Kuik...
Di et al. (2022) described global trade-embodied carbon flows as network links. In this study, as representations of institutional cooperation and material flows, the IEA relationship and carbon emissions embodied in trade flows are used as social and ecological links for 189 countries or regions...
(REDD) was developed with the objectives to mitigateclimate changethrough the reduction of CO2emissions and to conserve and wisely manage the remaining forest areas. In Indonesia carbon stocks of virgin rainforests are in the range of between 180 and 390 tons per hectare (but up to about 2700...
Furthermore, it is also important to note that some financially viable but less profitable forest carbon sites will struggle to compete with lucrative land uses, particularly in countries such as Brazil and Indonesia, which are the world’s major producers of soy, beef, and palm oil19. In oth...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28:54015–54029 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-14414-3 RESEARCH ARTICLE The impact of economic complexity on embodied carbon emission in trade: new empirical evidence from cross-country panel data Muhammad Qayyum1 & Yuyuan...