有些课程的老师会针对作业写下feedback,点击已上传的作业可以看到老师的comments(如果老师有写)。 Marks 这里是专门的作业和测验的分数展示页面,在这里能看到一门课除final外的其它分数汇总, 方便大家查分。不过一般期末考和最后的总成绩不会在这里展示,而是会在学期结束后以email的形式通知大家,并且在sydney student里...
(1)https://canvas.jhu.edu/ (2)https://canvas.jhu.edu/student-resources/student-canvas-support-by-division-or-school/ 如果你也对全美TOP9名校约翰·霍普金斯大学感兴趣,欢迎了解JHU教育学院的一年制教育学硕士学位项目——国际教学和全球领导力(International Teaching and Global Leadership),简称ITGL。 ITGL项...
Best Practices for Student Video Production Can I create peer review assignments so that my students can give each other feedback on their work? Can I divide my students into groups for assignments, discussions, etc.? Canvas Files Can I bulk upload files to my Canvas site? How?
Students and team ownersto adds the assignment to both student and other educators or staff in the class team calendars. Note:To check on your full class team roster, navigate to your class team and selectMore options >Manage team. Assign, save, or discard Choose the channel where you...
I have student features because I wanted to use an alt account as a student account to complete assignments for my course. But, since I was using the alt account's email, it connected my account. Or maybe I need to delete the course? Posted by: CallieAlreza Communi...
trace,follow- follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something; "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba" ; "trace the student's progress" investigate,look into- investigate scientifically; "Let's investigate the syntax of Chinese" ...
Sign in to your Nearpod account if you have not already done so. Select the Nearpod delivery type from the lesson you want to add to this assignment,Live ParticipationorStudent-Paced. Complete the Canvas assignment details and clickSave & Publishwhen ready. ...
Canvas Student评分及评论 4.7(满分 5 分) 277万 个评分 avghsr,2023/09/16 Very useful and easy to use, but something’s to change My school district changed from Google Classroom to Canvas, and although it was confusing at first, Canvas just outweighs Google Classroom 10 fold. The features...
The Canvas student app is really responsive and high functioning, almost easier to use sometimes than the actual desktop site. It makes doing school work while on the go a total breeze. HOWEVER, I knocked a star off because there is just one MAJOR issue that I hope they can fix in a ...
Canvas Overview & Creating a Parent Observer Account Canvas ObserverAccountCanvas Overview & Creating a Parent Observer Account What is Canvas? Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that allows teachers to provide instructional support, class calendars, assignments, feedback, grades, and ...