The Canvas Student app allows students to access their courses and groups using a mobile device. Students can submit assignments, participate in - 31
2025-02-19 Canvas Student Pathways and ePortfolios Questions 0 Likes 0 Replies How to delete student account Hi i was wondering if it's possible to delete my free student account i made a double account and would like to delete this one please. Posted by: valv0136 Community Member ...
If you are having trouble with logging in, visitmySMCCD Login Support pagefor more support contact information. Faculty and Staff: Login with your email username'doej'(without andemail password. If you forget your password contact your dean or contact us atsmccdaccountsupport@smccd...
: Canvas pathways 0 Likes 2 Replies How do I delete a pathway? Hi folks! How do I delete a pathway from My Pathways? I'd like to delete the " CanvasCon Online Swag Pathway" from my account. Posted by: DavidLeitner1 Community Member 2024-06-23 Canvas Student Pathways and ePor...
At the University of Minnesota, each student has a Canvas account which they can use to log in and manage their learning tools, such as the online library and class materials. To log in, students will need to know the details of theiraccountand where to find it, as well as their passwo...
Hi, we are always looking to improve the experience for our users, and really appreciate the feedback. If there is anything specific we can look into, please contact us at I'm getting much happier with the new updates that have rolled out ...
Co-create degree plans in a shared academic planning canvas, monitor adjustments, and communicate directly with students to align choices with advisor recommendations. Learn More Use Plans to Ease Student Schedule Building Auto-generate all potential schedules and compare schedule options based on academi...
Support & Technical Info Create or open a project in the SPIKE™ App. Click/tap theHubicon on the Programming Canvas. Hold down the Center Button to turn on your Hub. Press your Hub’s Bluetooth Button to enable Bluetooth. Wait for your Hub to appear in the list of Blu...
Canvas and LTI integration (with Google Classroom to come shortly) Class management tools to moderate and follow students Network tag and category search and feeds Private comments between teachers/faculty and students Support for dozens of plugins and tools most commonly used in education ...
We would usually implement a new system more slowly and provide training, but we fast-tracked the process with Blue to support internal drivers to get evaluations up and running.” Canvas integration means higher response rates Now in the third year of partnership with Blue, Rebekka has pin...