大家登录Canvas后看到的主页面如下图所示,下面将为大家逐一介绍左侧的一系列功能图标 Account Canvas左侧的快捷菜单栏里有一系列的功能图标,第一个就是Account,点击这个图标会显示如上图所示的页面。同学们通常在这个页面上进行的操作比较少,一般来说就是登出操作和最后一学期需要进行的profile的设置。 这边给大家逐一介...
学生可自行编辑Dashboard 页面。 在网站左侧有Account(账户), Dashboard(仪表板), Courses(课程), Calendar(日历), Inbox(收件箱), Help(帮助) 和 Guides(指南) 选项。 用户 Account 在消息页面,学生可按照自己的偏好点击图标来设置Canvas的消息和...
If you're an educator or student at a school that uses Canvas, search for your school here and tap the link to access the login page. Search School/District Don't have a Canvas account?Create a free basic Canvas account here.Need help logging in, creating an account, or using a join...
The Canvas Student app allows students to access their courses and groups using a mobile device. Students can submit assignments, participate in - 31
Official Login page for Canvas student login, School Search Canvas, Canvas Network, Canvas Community, and Canvas Free For Teacher accounts.
Discover Canvas, the user-friendly learning management system designed to simplify teaching and enhance student learning.
Canvas Student Guide Introduction Student Getting Started Resources How do I accept an email invitation to join a Canvas course? How do I sign up for a Canvas account with a join code or secret URL as a student? How do I generate a pairing code for an observer as a student?
2025-03-06 Canvas Student Pathways and ePortfolios Questions 0 Likes 0 Replies Delete my account I have joined using 2 usernames for the same email. I want to delete this username account but keep the other one which is on the same email Posted by: Youssefmamdouh Community Member 2025...
Discover Canvas, the user-friendly learning management system designed to simplify teaching and enhance student learning.
点击“Account”会显示个人资料 点击“courses”会显示课程详情 点击“grades”会出现成绩 点击“Calendar”会出现日历 点击“Assignments”可查看作业 ... 如果你还抱有疑问,可以查看更加详细具体的官方指南,是中文版的哦~ Canvas操作指南: https://zh.guides.instructure.com/ ...