CANoe_CAPLFunctionsManual 及手册 CAPL编程手册,正在学习。网络收集,与大家共享。 CAPL语言是vector公司的一种面向对象编程语言,类似C++。结合Vector公司的硬件平台CANoe,开发者可以利用CAPL开发出优美的LIN/CAN总线通讯测试界面。CAPL是学习汽车电子嵌入式开发人员应该要熟知的。
CAPL functions for test automation Analog/digital I/O functionality Connection for external time synchronization Application Areas VH6501 enables you to generate a wide variety of digital and analog disturbances precisely and reproducibly in CAN /CAN FDnetworks. Such disturbances are necessary, among othe...
You can also create a CAPL file and send the response using CAPL functions. If none of the described two options are selected, the diagnostic description file (CDD, PDX) is used only for interpretation in the Trace window. For CANoe 9.0 SP3 and higher this example can be usedmm: Send...
Functions Implementation of test cases with test tables and CAPL Adaptation of the test cases to the System Under Test (SUT) Selection and visibility of variant dependencies (PICS/PIXIT) Traceability to the requirements from the protocol specification ...
TD_02_CANoe_Testing_with_CAPL.pdf TD_02_CANoe_Testing_with_CAPL 上传者:Soly_kun时间:2023-12-09 LIN_01_CANoe.LIN_ExtendedFunctions.pdf LIN_01_CANoe.LIN_ExtendedFunctions 上传者:Soly_kun时间:2023-12-09 CANoe学习.rar_CANOE_CANoe快速入门_CANoe资料_productih6_入门资料 ...
The data[] array can be read and written by the user. Afterwards, the frame can be sent on the bus with your modifications.You can find the function described in detail in your CANoe help via CAPL functions | CANoe IL | applILTxPending.Sample configuration:In this example... Capl_python 上传者:qq_34309027时间:2021-06-03 CAN_02_Measurement_and_Analysis_with_CANoe_CANalyzer.pdf CAN_02_Measurement_and_Analysis_with_CANoe_CANalyzer 上传者:Soly_kun时间:2023-12-09 LIN_01_CANoe.LIN_ExtendedFunctions.pdf ...
Functions Implementation of test cases with test tables and CAPL Adaptation of the test cases to the System Under Test (SUT) Possibility to connect third party hardware Selection and visibility of variant dependencies (PICS/PIXIT) Traceability to the requirements from the protocol specification...