同时,CJL诱导Per2和Cry2表达降低,EMT基因表达上调,从而增加乳腺CSCs的发生频率,并促进EMT。这可增加CSCs的有效定植,促进骨髓和肺转移。抑制CXCR2可逆转CJL对肿瘤细胞播散的不利影响,从而阻止转移的发生。在GBM中,胶质瘤干细胞(glioma stem...
癌症干细胞(CSCs)被认为与MM中的药物耐药性有关,然而,关于MM中CSC的证据并不充分,部分原因是多发性骨髓瘤干细胞(MMSCs)定义缺乏统一性。 我们回顾了对MMSCs及其在MM疗法耐药性中的作用的理解进展。 我们还讨论了克服MMSC介导的复发和药物耐药性的新的治疗策略。 Keywords cancer stem cells; multiple myeloma; dru...
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are the pathological counterpart of normal somatic tissue stem cells. They possess the capacities to self-renew and to generate a more differentiated, rapidly dividing and expanding tumour progeny. Although they constitute just a small percentage of the tumour mass, they ...
CSCs can convert into differentiated cells, (Fig. 2) and evidence has suggested that these differentiated cells can acquire stem-cell-like properties via exogenous circumstances (including the niche), with plasticity. (Fig. 2) Cancer stem cells, for example, might be supplied from cancer cells ...
Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) are a minor group of cells in tumors that have self-renewal, differentiation, and tumorigenicity properties. Some known markers such as CD44, CD24, and CD133 on the cell membrane are often used to identify and enrich CSCs in several tumors, including prostate tumors...
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are rare population of cells that are bestowed with the capability to generate itself bypassing the cell cycle checkpoint mechanisms and are implicated in tumor initiation, metastasis, and relapse or drug resistance.
According to the theory, a minority population of cancer cells is capable of self-renewal and generation of differentiated progeny, termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). Understanding the properties and characteristics of CSCs is key to future study on cancer research, such as the isolation and ...
实验设计(图源自Cancer Research )肿瘤干细胞( cancer stem cells,CSCs )是一类具有高度自我更新、多能性和肿瘤起始能力的肿瘤细胞亚群,是肿瘤转移、复发和放化疗抵抗的主要来源。最值得注意的是,SIA-cIgG在上皮干细胞样癌细胞或复发性去势抵抗性前列腺癌细胞中高表达,并有助于肿瘤的起始、转移和耐药,提示SIA-cIgG...
癌症干细胞(Cancer stem cells, CSCs)是BC和其他癌症肿瘤复发的关键原因,而CSCs的特异性和通用标记尚未建立。因此,很难直接针对这组细胞。然而,维持肿瘤的茎干需要一个相应的生态位。据报道,CD10+GPR77+CAFs的一个亚群通过为乳腺癌和...
Since their initial identification three decades ago, there has been extensive research regarding cancer stem cells (CSCs). It is important to consider the biology of cancer stem cells with a particular focus on their phenotypic and metabolic plasticity, the most important signaling pathways, and non...