Thyroid disorders can cause symptoms that are mistaken for those of a woman approaching menopause. Both menstrual cycle changes and mood changes can result from the menopausal transition or from thyroid conditions. Blood tests can determine which of these conditions is responsible for your symptoms. I...
Most women are not able to get pregnant between 5 and 10 years before menopause. Find out more about the many tests you can take to learn about your own fertility. Learn about what they are and how they are tested. Pregnancy: Multiple Births, Twins, Triplets, and More Multiple births ...
As women get older, particularly during and after menopause, they are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis due to a decrease in estrogen levels, which can affect bone density. Adequate calcium andvitamin Dare essential for reducing this risk. ...
c. Insufficient natural healthy teeth or lack of a serviceable prosthesis, preventing adequate mastication and incision of a normal diet. This includes complex (multiple fixture) dental implant systems that have associated complications that severely limit assignments and adversely affect performance of wor...
Female pattern baldness, on the other hand, usually affects the front hairline first and causes thinning rather than complete loss. The role of testosterone is more debatable in women, but a hormonal cause is implicated since thinning is more common around and after the menopause. ...
"As women age, there are many reasons why sexual functioning may become an issue for them," saidDr. Stephanie Faubion, medical director for the North American Menopause Society. "This study highlights the need for health care professionals to ask about any history of trauma and open up the ...
compared to your friends because of your genes, even if your physical activity and your diet are the same. Your genetic makeup determines how your bone building cells respond to stimuli. (1) Each individual responds differently to the decline of hormones that come with menopause and andropause....
The menopause can affect men, say Swedes; Protein causing symptoms identified in both sexesALISON CHIESA
Menopause is associated with a decrease in estrogen, a hormone that typically regulates the menstrual cycle and keeps bones, hair and skin healthy, perJohns Hopkins Medicine. The drop in estrogen causes a change in your skin's microbiome and causes skin to produce less oil, per theNational Ecz...
The study foundthat magnesium significantly reduced the total Menstrual Distress Questionnaire score and the cluster ‘negative affect,’ indicating that magnesium supplementation could be an effective treatment for premenstrual symptoms related to mood changes. ...