Section 6, definition of bus-off state Section 12, fault confinement and error counters Section specifically states what a CAN controller shall do when it enters the bus-off state You may want to refer to them for more information. All the best, Reply [...
Just resetting the CAN and starting over is the firmware equivalent of the definition of insanity ...
3package apollo.canbus; 4 5import "modules/common_msgs/chassis_msgs/chassis.proto"; 6 7message Aeb_systemstate_11 { 8 // Report Message 9 // 0x00:read only;0x01:brake enable [] [0|1] 10 optional int32 aeb_state = 1; 11 // 0x00:off;0x01:on [] [0|1] 12 optional bool...
Can I disable the passcode function when setting up a meeting in Teams?
bro-way dh-30 broad - shouldered broad and long broad bean flower rot broad definition of m broad image broad in the beam broad leaves ripping broad on the bow broad scotch broad water brush broad-band value-adde broad-gauge broadband conveyance broadband dcs b-dcs broadband network acc broa...
tU16 OffCancError : 1; /* Offset Cancellation Error flag */tU16 OverCurrent : 1; /* OverCurrent fault flag */tU16 OverHeating : 1; /* Overheating fault flag */tU16 MainsFault : 1; /* Mains out of range */tU16 OverLoad : 1; /* Overload Flag */tU16 Over...
Macro Definition Documentation #define CAN_VARIANT_PRE_COMPILE (STD_ON) CAN Build Variant. Build variants.(i.e Pre Compile,Post Build) #define CAN_VERSION_INFO_API (STD_ON) Enable/DisableCan_GetVersionInfo() #define CAN_DEV_ERROR_DETECT (STD_ON) ...
kFLEXCAN_BusOffInterruptEnable = CAN_CTRL1_BOFFMSK_MASK, kFLEXCAN_ErrorInterruptEnable = CAN_CTRL1_ERRMSK_MASK, kFLEXCAN_RxWarningInterruptEnable = CAN_CTRL1_RWRNMSK_MASK, kFLEXCAN_TxWarningInterruptEnable = CAN_CTRL1_TWRNMSK_MASK, kFLEXCAN_WakeUpInterruptEnable = CAN_MCR_WAKMSK_...
See protocol definition here and here Commands not supported/not implemented: s, W, M, m, U. Commands modified: S - supports not declared 83.3 rate F - returns MCP2515 error flags Z - extra Z...