镜头移动在游戏开发中非常重要。因此,在这篇 Godot 4 教程中,我想解释有关 Camera2D 节点的所有知识。从如何使用它、它是什么、我们可以创建的相机效果,以及如何按照您的想象在游戏中实现它。该视频应该可以让您更深入地了解 Godot 中的相机节点。项目源码:https://devw
Star1 main 11Branches18Tags Code This branch is21 commits behindramokz/phantom-camera:main. README Code of conduct License Security What is it? Phantom Camera is a Godot 4 plugin designed to provide and simplify common behaviors for the built-inCamera2DandCamera3Dnodes - heavily inspired by ...
I'm experiencing extreme jittering when using the smoothing feature on Camera2D. I'm using the example code from the kinematic character 2d demo. This behavior is not present in Godot 2.1.4 To reproduce, use the example project below. Pressing and holding left or right will produce slight ...
Godot version: 3.2 Issue description: I have created a Container node and put some Sprite nodes in it. Then I've set the Clip Content property to true and created a current Camera2D node. The program worked and there was no errors. When ...
How to make camera follow player position and rotation unity 3d? You can use a c# script to control the camera and make it move relative to the player transform. You can control this on the x,y and z axis to create different types of camera follows. Like top down, side scrolling, 3rd...
👻🎥 Control the movement and dynamically tween 2D & 3D cameras. Built for Godot 4. Inspired by Cinemachine. - GitHub - ramokz/phantom-camera: 👻🎥 Control the movement and dynamically tween 2D & 3D cameras. Built for Godot 4. Inspired by Cinema