【Call for Paper | 第18届IEEE MCSoC 2025大会】第18届IEEE MCSoC 2025大会将于2025年12月15-18日在新加坡举办。 The IEEE MCSoC (Multicore and Many-core Systems-on-Chip)论坛(MCSoC)在嵌入式系统领域颇具...
The 18th China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM 2025) will take place inXi'an, Shaanxi, onJune 28–29, 2025. This workshop aims to foster communication and collaboration among Information Systems (IS) scholars from China and arou...
Marketing (16) Finance (15) International Economics (15) Development Economics (14) Economics (14) Economic History (11) Entrepreneurship & Innovation (9) more... Emergency Management (7) Strategic Management (7) Economic Policy (6) Accounting & Taxation (4) Tourism & Hospita...
Dr. Dong Li is a Research Fellow of School of Materials Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University. He has consistently devoted his expertise to the research in mechanics of advanced materials and structures, including mechanics of thin films, mechanics of functional fibers, and fract...
View specific Research Paper Submission Categories. View proposal information forWorkshops,Tutorials,Special Sessions, andPanels, Security (SEC) Security (SEC)sessions at DAC focuses on the urgent need to create, analyze, evaluate, and improve the hardware, embedded systems and software base of the ...
2025年艺术节 绘画作品征集活动 👈swipe for English version 亲爱的同学们: 在这个色彩斑斓的世界里,每个人都有能力成为小小的改变者。为了激发我们的创意与想象力,展现我们内心对于美好未来的憧憬,在此,我们展开艺术节系列活动——“改变世...
more closely related. We target few top-quality well-attended tutorials. In particular, we look for hands-on and tutorials on fundamentals which should clearly identified in the proposal. Extended conference talks will not be accepted as tutorials. Marketing of company tools are not accepted either...
Tools for data visualization and annotation Open-sourced large language models and their applications Development tools Please note: Commercial products and services are welcome; however, sales and marketing activities are not appropriate in the Demonstrations Program. Submissions The submissions should ...
Paper Submission: Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mailijcijournal@airccse.org. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. ...
Dr. Csaba Z Szabo, Institute for Language Education, University of Edinburgh To be published in Issue 2, 2025 Background In the past decade, language education has been greatly empowered by the advance of technology. Over time, literacy has transcended traditional paper literacy, moved towards mob...