ICIG 2023 Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province. Lying on the lower stretches of the Yangtze River, the city is famous for its rich historical culture and relaxed living atmosphere. Nanjing's glory can be traced back to when it was th...
Precognition Workshop专注于视觉预测研究,欢迎有兴趣的同学,研究者和自动驾驶从业者踊跃投稿,目前投稿系统已开放,截止日为2023年3月19日。届时长文将在CVPR workshop上进行oral presentation,同时我们会评选出Best Paper Award。Workshop网站: https://sites.google.com/view/ieeecvf-cvpr2023-precognitionsites....
Asia Solar Energy for Climate Change Conference 2023 cordially invite you to participate in poster presentation and submit paper on topics related to solar energy technologies, energy policy, just transition in energy and energy economy. Submitted papers will be published in the volume of ASECCC 2023...
Presentation & Publication (Full paper):Full paper is requested, at least 6,000 words. Academic Ethics:Articles submitted to the forum should report original, previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical and mu...
Submit your paper for presentation at the first annual Endocrine Practice Journal Symposium at the 2023 AACE Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA.
AAAI 2023 RL Ready for Production Workshop的Call for Paper已经正式上线啦!欢迎有兴趣的同学,研究者和RL从业者踊跃投稿。具体流程如下: 论文长度:6-8页论文,不包括引用和附录内容,引用和附录内容长度不限。格式我们会采用AAAI的标准格式: https://www.aaai.org/Publications/Templates/AnonymousSubmission23.zip...
6. At least one of the authors should attend the conference and give a presentation once the paper is accepted (relevant registration fees are involved). III. Paper Publication 1. Proceedings at WTC 2023 will be formally published. Also, a compendium of abstracts in electronic format will be ...
Demo Camera Ready: July 15, 2023 Registration for Demos For conference registration, a demo is regarded as a paper, i.e., Demo presenters with no accepted conference or symposium papers must select "demo-author registration" when registering for the conference. ...
from an individual perspective on the topic: the description of existing work should be structured and should include discussions. The paper should strive for clear perspectives and be of high quality in presentation and at the appropriate technical level, and should be based on existing literature....
论文发言 (paper presentation): 分享对教学研究、教学实践或教育政策的经验和观点。发言人可与参与者深入互动和交流。 论文张贴 (poster session):60分钟,1-2人 对教学理论、方法或实操的研究综述,可采用图表或数据凸显研究成果。发言人应做好与参会者充分交流的准备。