Call for PapersMarketing and Innovation, ArtículoTransfer of the United States National Parasite Collection Over the past 120聽years since its founding in 1892, the United States National Parasite Collection (USNPC), a cornerstone of global and North American parasitology, has been maintained by ...
It aims to comprehensively examine influencer marketing as an accepted marketing tool kit that should integrate with other tools and frameworks to improve profitability and highlight the necessity to investigate novel questions and challenges. Submission Guidelines and Deadlines: Papers targeting the special...
The world's largest index/list of calls for papers (CFP) of international conferences, workshops, journals, and book chapters in the whole academic fields.
Call for Papers: Können wir Sie als Autor gewinnen? Die Marketing Review St. Gallen verfolgt das Ziel, den Austausch zwischen Theorie und Praxis zu fördern. Alle Beiträge werden im Rahmen eines Double-Blind-Review-Prozesses anonym von einem Wissenschaftler und einer Marketingführungskraft ...
Papers submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be about 6,000-8,000 words in length. Copies should be uploaded on Industrial Marketing Management’s homepage through the Editorial management system. You need...
论文征集营销forCALLFORCall论文征集市场营销call 系统标签: marketingmarkettheory征集systemspapers MarketingTheoryCallforPapers SPECIALISSUEONMARKETSYSTEMS GuestEditors: MarkusGiesler&EileenFischer–YorkUniversity Deadlineforfullpapersubmission:April15,2015 BACKGROUND Inrecentattemptstoexpandtheunderstandingofmarketingand...
doi:10.1177/0273475312456471MARKETING education in universities & collegesSOCIAL responsibility of businessThe article presents a call for papers for Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Sustainability in Marketing Education until November 1, 2012.Journal of Marketing Education...
Call for Papers doi:10.1177/0273475312441892MARKETING educationSOCIAL responsibility of businessETHICSA call for papers on related to ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability in marketing education is presented.Journal of Marketing Education...
We welcome papers that explore links between luxury and technology in all product and service categories including manufacture, on-line including e-commerce, marketing and the virtual luxury experience, bespoke product, design, materials and innovation. ...
interaction with other disciplines. The areas covered include accounting, organization and strategy, finance, marketing, economics, data science and artificial intelligence, information systems, public policy, etc. The QJEM strives to publish high-quality, original, and thought-leading scientific papers....