The article focuses on California becoming the first state to enact a law aimed at protecting workers from job violence in various industries, extending beyond healthcare, with employers required to establish a written workplace violence prevention plan by July 2024.Professional Safety...
California employers have long been required to provide a healthful and safe environment for their employees — not just related to workplace injuries and illnesses, but also in reducing the risk of workplace violence. Overall, employers haven’t had any specific requirements around workpla...
California’snew workplace violence prevention requirementsstem from 2023’s SB 553 and took effect on July 1, 2024. They require covered employers to comply with many components, including but not limited to creating, maintaining and implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Plan; training...
Employment laws in California can be a moving target. If you’re an employer in the Golden State, here’s a recap of key regulatory updates you should know, plus practical actions you can take to get ahead of compliance. Workplace Violence Prevention Who –Most California employers What –...
This is just a summary of some of the changes to California’s employment laws. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions! Leave a comment Posted in Uncategorized Tagged business, employment, labor, news, politicsWorkplace Violence Prevention Plan – CalOSHA Resources are Here! Posted...
are related to these developments. As always, it is your obligation as the employer to ensure your compliance with applicable laws and regulations.. Please contact our team at(888) 356-4937orinfo@pprclaw.comwith any questions reg...
workplace violenceIn response to startling statistics in the increasing number of workplace violence (WPV) incidents against health care workers, California employers across the continuum of care are preparing their organizations to comply with California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (CAL/...
US Labor, Employment, and Workplace Safety Alert By:Kimberli A. Diggs,Lauren E. Elvick,Sabrina Fani,Gabriel M. Huey,Eugene C. Ryu,Zain Zubair In the October edition of The Essentials, we summarize key provisions of California employment laws that took effect in 2024 and those that will ...
If you have any questions about the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights or any other employment laws, please contact a Jackson Lewis attorney to discuss. Cal/OSHA Provides Guidance for Managing Post-Fire Cleanup Efforts ByJoshua M. Henderson&Sierra VierraonJanuary 28, 2025 ...
Workplace Violence Prevention: Walking on Eggshells Wed, Mar 26 • 1:00 AM GMT+8 Free DPrep Inc Workplace Violence Prevention: This Sure Beats Algebra Wed, Aug 27 • 1:00 AM GMT+8 Free DPrep Inc Workplace Violence Prevention: The Ratio of People to Cake Is Too Big ...