January 1, 2023, Assembly Bill 1949 requires employers to grant employees five days of unpaid bereavement leave (that need not be taken consecutively) for the death of a family member, including a spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, domestic partner or parent-in-law. ...
The California Legislature has enacted several new laws that will impact the workplace in 2023. This Holland & Knight alert provides a brief summary of select employment laws that go into effect on Jan. 1, 2023, unless stated otherwise. Minimum Wage Increases:As of Jan. 1, 2023, the Ca...
Suscribe to the California Employment Law Update Subscribe to this Blog Employers Face New Accommodation Requirements For Nursing Mothers ByTony Oncidi&Ryan McGillonMay 23, 2023 In ourrecent blog post, we highlighted legislation that will impact employers this year related to nursing and pregnant emp...
ByTony Oncidi,Mark Theodore&Sehreen LadakonDecember 8, 2023 For the second year in a row, California has avoided being “the worst in the nation,” but still managed to secure the unenviable third position on the American Tort Reform Foundation’s (“ATRF”) Annual Judicial Hellholes List...
June 27, 2023 Kirstin Muller Quoted in Law360 on Dobbs Ruling One Year Later Kirstin E. Muller Hirschfeld Kraemer partner, Kirstin Muller, was quoted in the June 22, 2023 edition of Law360, in an article entitled “A Year After Dobbs, GCs Are Trying To Maintain ‘Status Quo’”… ...
, 62 F.4th 1206 (9th Cir. 2023) In the latest in a string of defeats for the State of California, a Ninth Circuit panel unanimously held that AB 5 (the anti-independent contractor law) may violate the equal protection ...
Are you an employer in need of counsel and litigation support for a workers' comp, OSHA, subrogation, or any other employment law matter? Contact PBW Law today!
The FCA is a “ban the box” law that restricts California employers with five or more employees from asking about an applicant’s criminal history until after the employer has made a conditional offer of employment. The FCA allows employers to conduct a criminal background check after ...
Employers in the Golden State already face an array of employment law compliance challenges. 2023 adds several more to the list. Employers are encouraged to “stay current” and review their policies and practices to seek to comply with these new laws....
In preparation for 2022, California employers have an abundance of new laws with which to comply. Below are the highlights curated by our Employment Law Group. SB 331: The “Silenced No More”Bill, Prohibits Confidentiality of Alleged Unlawful Acts in NDAs ...