contact pressurecalculation techniqueComsol MultiphysicsIn the article, a calculation technique for contact pressure in the axes of mechanical systems based on Comsol Multiphysics package is considered.E.I. Baidaelectrical engineering & electromechanics...
I am using the PDE module of COMSOL multiphysics v3.5a. the PDE, coefficient form/time-dependent analysis. now, I am solving one equation. The coefficient of my equation is a function of the COMSOL calculation results of the previous step. That is, when I am ...
Numerical modeling of water movement in both unsaturated soils and saturated groundwater aquifers is important for water resource management simulations. The development of efficient numerical algorithms for coupling unsaturated and saturated flow has be
(1.SchoolofResources&CivilEngineering,NortheasternUniversity,Shenyang110819,China;2.Department ofMiningEngineering,KimchaekUniversityofTechnology,Pyongyang999093,DPRofKorea.Corresponding author:HWANGRyong—hyon,E—mail:hwangryonghyon@126.corn) Abstract:Thederivationofelasticstrengthmatrixinpartialcoordinatesystemforaniso...
在2024 年 COMSOL 电力主题日的主题演讲视频中,来自西安西电变压器有限责任公司的孔祥宇介绍了 COMSOL 在变压器电场裕度仿真中的应用。随着变压器技术的不断发展,变压器类产品将更加趋向于轻量化和小型化。在这一发展趋势下,变压器的长期安全可靠运行将成为重中之重。本次演讲介绍了如何基于 COMSOL 软件进行仿真 App 二...
Using COMSOL Multiphysics as analysis software. The indoor single-sided infiltration test with drainage asphalt mixture rutting plate specimens’ size of 30 cm × 30 cm × 10 cm and the size of the finite element model was the same as the size of the rutted plate specimen. (3) Divide the...
Then, the COMSOL multiphysics 6.2 finite element simulation software is utilized to create a simulation model that aligns with the real cable laying technique. Finally, the current-carrying capacity and temperature field of power cables are simulated and analyzed for different arrangements of power ...
However, COMSOL Magnetic Fields Interface uses the magnetic vector potential FEM and requires meshing both the coil and the air regions. The comparison of both codes in terms of precision, memory requirements and time of solution is presented in this paper. The parameterized model of a typical ...
COMSOL Multiphysics environmentThe operation of the cooling system of thyristor modules of a power-supply source has been analyzed, taking into account the operation modes of a PN-V1 dc plasmatron. The analysis is based on the modeling of the thermal state of the power unit, taking into ...
CALCULATION OF CAPACITANCE OF TWO SPIRAL PLATES PLACED ON PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD USING COMSOL MULTIPHYSICSfor estimating other important properties of coil such as: inductance or resistivity of the coil and offers good solution accuracy.The future work will be focused on these properties and co...