The reference electrode was set to thermodynamic equilibrium with the Nernst equation in (2) as the governing kinetic expression. The activity coefficient of the Cl− was kept to unity due to the relatively low concentration. The remaining domain between the two electrodes was defined as the bul...
The model solves the continuity equations for charged species, the drift-diffusion equations to describe their transport and the electron energy balance equation, coupled with Maxwell's and Poisson's equations, using COMSOL Multiphysics software. In order to obtain a better comprehending of the ...
The model solves the continuity equations for charged species, the drift-diffusion equations to describe their transport and the electron energy balance equation, coupled with Maxwell's and Poisson's equations, using COMSOL Multiphysics software. In order to obtain a better comprehending of the ...
The transport equation is coupled to the flow (Navier–Stokes) equations via the velocity field. 2.5. Model Geometry The model geometry for the problem is set up in 2D as shown in Figure 2. The droplet (plug) is positioned along the centre line of a microchannel with length 𝐿L and ...
The transport equation is coupled to the flow (Navier–Stokes) equations via the velocity field. 2.5. Model Geometry The model geometry for the problem is set up in 2D as shown in Figure 2. The droplet (plug) is positioned along the centre line of a microchannel with length 𝐿L and ...