First up for the results, you can visualize the acoustic pressure field in the fluid domain. The image below shows the generated pressure waves in front of the transducer at 0.2 MHz. Notice that the modeling domain only contains a couple of wavelengths. The response outside the domain can be...
AddingaFarFieldCalculationfeaturedoesnotaffectthephysicsofthemodel,but makesitpossibletostudythefarfieldgeneratedbytheantenna.Selectthe boundariestouseforthiscomputationsothat,inthephysical(3D)geometry,they surroundallsourcesandreflectingobjects.Theouterairboundariesarea convenientchoice. 9|CONICALANTENNA SolvedwithC...
Finally, we have a plot of the far-field spectrum of our PCA obtained by combining theFar-Field Calculationnode with theTime to Frequency FFTstudy. We find that the pulse has the strongest peak at approximately 0.75 THz but with significant power all the way up to nearly 5 THz. Additionall...
an arrow plot of the electric field, as well as contour and isosurface plots of the electric field norm are shown in the figure. Right: S-parameter comparison between theFrequency Domain, Modalstudy and a regular sweep of theFrequency Domainstudy. ...
we omit the use of theInfinite Elementdomain, and use the defaultExterior Boundariescondition on the boundaries of the spherical modeling space. This condition applies an approximate boundary condition based on the current flow within the model, so the radius of the computational domain does need to...
domain using radiation conditions or perfectly matched layers (PMLs), which you would have to do if you were only using FEM. In fact, in this instance, BEM acts like an idealized radiation condition combined with the far field, which avoids the use of theFar-Field Calculationfeature ...
An interesting consequence of this approach is that the boundaries of the modeling domain no longer need to provide a current return path. This opens up the possibility for alternative boundary conditions on the exterior of the modeling domain, which can be used to model an insulative surrounding...
I mentioned we could take advantage of our problem’s symmetry and antisymmetry to speed up our simulations, and now is the time to do so. We can use thexy– andxz-planes to form our geometry’s exterior boundaries, as they correspond with the magnetic field’s symmetry and antisymmetry,...