I encountered some error in instantiate a cell into a top cell. When i tyring to get the cell view id by using function dbGetOpenCellViewByType(Lib Cell View "" "a") and it return me a warning message: *WARNING*dbOpenCellViewByType: Unable to lock database f...
However, If I try to open a remote file for edit, I get the following error: "(SCH-1217): Could not open "x.x" for edit. (DB-270000): dbOpenCellViewByType: Unable to lock database file for <user_directory_of_test_bench>/schematic Essentially, I can open remote files...
检查Line Lock是否为Line.一般是line 和arc之间选择.当你走线的时候,你右边的对话框options中有line和arc两种状态,应该在这两者之间切换.route->connect在菜单栏, F9 在line lock 里面选line 角度设45或90度就是直线了. 2.创建一个库元件时,搞错了,如何再打开修改?建元件库时,搞错了层,不知道怎么打开再修改?
unable to open netlist format:ornetlist.dll 如题,出现上述文字如何解决 russhaland 11-6 0 eda软件仿真隐藏省钱打法,点击领取 限时送200元 速石拥有丰富的全云,混合云,多云架构落地实践经验,服务了超过百家半导体行业IC设计与芯片Foundry厂商,支持市面上几乎所有主流EDA应用,免费试用 上海速石信息科技有限公司 ...
Canot Place Database Part 夜凉笙歌ik 软件版本22.1 10号补丁,orcad CIS 如果正常打开CIS库放置器件没有问题,但是如果打开CIS库后保存了设计,再次放置库里的元器件会报如下错误,并且无法放置器件。 WARHIG(0RCIS-6159):Canot Place Database Part 夜凉笙歌ik 10-30 0 cadenceic617 一个无聊... 有大佬...
检查Line Lock是否为Line.一般是line 和arc之间选择.当你走线的时候,你右边的对话框options中有line和arc两种状态,应该在这两者之间切换.route->connect在菜单栏, F9 在line lock 里面选line 角度设45或90度就是直线了. 2.创建一个库元件时,搞错了,如何再打开修改?建元件库时,搞错了层,不知道怎么打开再修改...
ERROR Unable to open property mapping file: devparam.txt. 解决方法 PSpice->Edit Simulation Profile-> Configuration Files-> Library-> Library path->(\tools\pspice\library) 1.请问我在导出shap时怎样连它的网络也一起导出,比如我要导出一块地铜,在我导入这个shap时它还是地网络?
1932086 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DATABASE Unable to resolve DBDoctor error& X- D9 N' d v* p ...
lockcdslmdLockfilerequiredwhenlicenseserverisrunning.Itisalwaysazero- lengthfile.Donotdeleteit.SeeCannotopendaemonlockfile MULTIPLEcdslmdserversrunning TCP/IPdaemonsrunning Dependingonyouroperatingsystem,youcancheckforTCP/IPbytypingoneofthese: netstat-a|greptcp netstat-a|grepTCP ...
2247686 ADW CORE Allegro EDM: Unable to create a project using a newly created flow, w3...