Cadence Allegro16.6 Capture CIS中原理图状态下 右键 Place Database Part 出现闪退的问题 Cadence Allegro 16.6版本 Capture CIS中原理图状态下,右键place Database part抓取元器件时,出现闪退的现象,并且出现一个感叹号的提示框,写着 将KY进行到底 2019-05-31 09:00:53 ...
When a path that does not begin with '~' or './' is passed to a function, the paths in the SKILL path are used as directory names and prepended to the given path. ThesetSkillPathandgetSkillPathfunctions access and change this internal SKILL path setup as follows: ThesetSkillPat...
TDA Cannot start Design Entry HDL and Component Browser in a TDO design# `. s z3 l" f...
2250631 ALLEGRO_EDITOR DRC_CONSTR Cannot import netlist into design due to illegal DRC element...
,andotherdirectories.Thepromptscontinuewiththispromptiftheutilitycannotfindthe tools link. Cantfindthe/usr/cds/toolslink. Createit? 1.Ifthetoolslinkdoesnotexist,createitbytypingyattheprompt. 2.Toconfiguretheclientsfile,typey(onlyintheconfigureutility). Createanewclientsfile[c]orappendtotheexistingone[a]...