好像是数据被锁住了。这个问题还真没有遇到过。不过推荐给你一个论坛:“奈因PCB Layout论坛”,到里面去问问看。里面高手蛮多的。
选择菜单Edit—ExclusiveLock,如图3.49所示,锁定后的Li-brary Path Editor如图3.50所示,其显著特点就是在标题栏上方出现“Locked”字样,表明此Library Path Editor已经被锁定,不能被其他用户编辑,只能通过File—SaveAs进行另存库链接文件,无法使用Save对其进行保存。图3.49 锁定Library Path Editor选项菜单图3.50 锁定后的...
41、 pcb editor board,勾选allow user defined properties )如果提示有如下错误:*.brd文件locked,则在PCB编辑器中关掉brd文件,再试。注:在file properties中可以锁住文件,也可以解锁3 将网表导入PCB文件(选中)creat user-defined properties 按ROOM放置(34)1 在PCB中设置元件的ROOM属性值(使用edit property命令,使...
Or if your custom type is a single type, such as a homepage, content creators can choose between the slices available when deciding what content should end up being displayed at any given time giving them much more power in determining what ends up being displayed to the end-user. Prismic ...
2创立网表〔setup '添加的属性名=YES',将属性激活,勾选create or update pcb editor board,勾选allow user defined properties〕如果提示有如下错误:*.brdlocked,那么在PCB编辑器中关掉brd:在file properties 3将网表导入PCBcreat user-defined properties 按ROOM放置(34) ...
lockedandreturnsthelicensetothelicensepoolofavailable licenses lmrereadForcesthelicensedaemonstorereadthelicensefile lmstatReturnsinformationonthestatusofthelicenseserverandthe licensesitserves.Thisisthemostvaluableutility. lmswitchControlsdebugloglocationandsize. lmswitchrChangesthereport...
After aligning components to fit the board placement needs, users can then lock the placement position with the padlock symbol under the General tab, which will display a closed/locked padlock when the user sets placement (note that users can also lock/unlock objects within the Search pan...
按属性摆放: 1 在原理图中添加元件属性 2 创建网表(setup 中修改配置文件'添加的属性名=YES',将属性激活,勾选 create or update pcb editor board,勾选 allow user defined properties )如果提示有如下错误:*.brd 文件 locked, 则在 PCB 编辑器中关掉 brd 文件,再试。注:在 file properties 中可以锁住文件...
按属性摆放: 1 在原理图中添加元件属性 2 创建网表(setup 中修改配置文件添加的属性名=YES,将属性激活,勾选create or update pcb editor board,勾选allow user defined properties??? )如果提示有如下错误:*.brd文件locked,则在PCB编辑器中关掉brd文件,再试。注:在file properties中可以锁住文件,也可以解锁 3 ...
Because the prototyping platform is based on FPGAs, porting to it required some minor modifications to the ASIC design. First, the ASIC SRAM macros had to be replaced with FPGA-inferred RAMs. Second, the phase-locked loop implemented within the ASIC had to be removed fro...