Common name: Cabbage Scientific name: Brassica oleracea L. Family: Cruciferae Habitat: Along paths by the sea and cultivated as vegetable under different varieties: cauliflower, brussels sprouts, white cabbage, etc. Description of cabbage Herbaceous annual or perennial plant of the Cruciferae family ...
Scientific Name and Introduction Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. is red, green (domestic or Danish-type), and oxheart (conical or pointed-head type) cabbage; B. oleracea var. sabauda L. is savoy cabbage. All are biennials of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family (Munro and Small ...
Scientific Name and Introduction: Brassica rapa L. (B. campestris L.) subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt, Chinese cabbage, is an annual of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family (Munro and Small, 1997). The edible portion includes the leaf blades and stalks. Chinese cabbage can be divided int...
Botanically, this variety belongs to theBrassicafamily, a diverse group of leafy and flowering vegetables that includesBrussels sprouts,kale,cabbage, andbroccoli, among others. Its scientific name isB. campestris (Pekinensis group). Napa cabbage goes by several common names, such aspe-tsai, 白菜, ...
RankScientific Name & (Common Name) KingdomPlantae (Plants) SubkingdomTracheobionta (Vascular plants) SuperdivisionSpermatophyta (Seed plants) DivisionMagnoliophyta (Flowering plants) ClassMagnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) SubclassDilleniidae OrderCapparales ...
Cabbage is a popular vegetable that is a relative to mustard greens and also to the turnip family. Its scientific name is Brassica oleracea, and within this group there are two main varieties: early and late. Early cabbage reaches maturity in just over 40 days and has a small, tight head...
Scientific NameBrassica rapa (Chinensis Group) Refuse DescriptionBase and damaged leaves Refuse Percent12 About Founded in 1996, years before Google and the term blogger existed,™ was created to answer an elusive question faced by home cooks everywhere. ...
The author of the scientific name of the cabbage maggotSteyskal, G C
Botanical Name Family Cruciferae Brassica oleraceavar.capitata Common Names Colewort Cautions Cabbage, and all brassicas, should be avoided by those who have an overactive thyroid gland. Sauerkraut is high in thyramine, which can trigger migraine headaches in some people. ...
Scientific name:Brassica campestris L.(Chinensis group). Several local dialects for it in the East-Asian countries are 上海青,pe-tsai, pak choi, petsay, white-celery mustard, Chinese white cabbage…etc. Bok choy. Note for small, upright, cylindrical stems with dark green leaves. ...