These vegetables are both variant cultivars or subspecies of the turnip and belong to the same genus as such Western staples as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Both have many variations in name, spelling, and scientific classification, especially bok choy cultivars. “主食”这个词有歧义:中文一...
Scientific Name and Introduction Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L. is red, green (domestic or Danish-type), and oxheart (conical or pointed-head type) cabbage; B. oleracea var. sabauda L. is savoy cabbage. All are biennials of the Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) family (Munro and Small ...
There are many variations on its name, spelling, and scientific classification.The Ming Dynasty pharmacologist Li Shizhen studied the Chinese cabbage for its medicinal qualities. Before this time the Chinese cabbage was largely confined to the Yangtze River Delta region. The Chinese cabbage as it is...
Both have many variations in name, spelling and scientific classification–especially the "bok choy" or chinensis variety.HistoryThe Ming Dynasty herbalist Li Shizhen studied the Chinese cabbage[ambiguous] for its medicinal qualities. Before this time the Chinese cabbage was largely confined to the ...
Scientific classification Kingdom:Plantae Division:Magnoliophyta Class:Magnoliopsida Order:Brassicales Family:Brassicaceae Genus:Brassica Species:B. oleracea Cultivar Group Brassica oleraceaCapitata Group Thecabbage(BrassicaoleraceaCapitata Group) is an edible plant of the FamilyBrassicaceae(or Cruciferae). It...
RankScientific Name & (Common Name) KingdomPlantae (Plants) SubkingdomTracheobionta (Vascular plants) SuperdivisionSpermatophyta (Seed plants) DivisionMagnoliophyta (Flowering plants) ClassMagnoliopsida (Dicotyledons) SubclassDilleniidae OrderCapparales ...
Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. var. pekinensis) is an economically important vegetable providing nutrients such as fiber, calcium and vitamins. Most cultivars of Chinese cabbage are F1 hybrids with vegetative heterosis, and harvesting of commercial F1
Classification Cabbage belongs to theBrassicagenus and it is a member of theBrassicaceae(formerly Cruciferae) botanical group, also known as the cabbageor mustard family, which comprises about360 generaand over3709 species- mostly herbaceous plants -, several of them with great medicinal, nutritional...
Addsugar, bean curd and salt and stir-fry it for another 3 minutes. Garnish it with sesame seeds which is toasted. Then serve with a jasmine juice. Swamp cabbage Quick Facts RankScientific Name & (Common Name) KingdomPlantae (Plants) ...
There are many variations on its name, spelling, and Scientific classification. This is a common vegetable used in Chinese cuisine. There are two distinctly different groups of Brassica rapa, and a wide range of varieties within these two groups. The binomial name B. campestris is also used. ...