hippocampus是海马的意思。是指人脑内的海马回,大脑内的一种结构。主要与记忆能力有关。 人脑内的海马分为4区,CA1、CA2、CA3、CA4。CA可能只是一种命名方式。hippocampus中取CA字母。 最新热门问答癫痫病史可以做药物流产吗 腰左侧的白色晕圈是什么东西 怎么能止住打嗝? 肺气肿会四肢酸疼吗 脚上汗疱疹传染吗 移民...
而海马区可以细分为4个部分:齿状回(dentate gyrus,DG),和CA1,CA2,CA3区。(具体分区有很多说法...
而海马区可以细分为4个部分:齿状回(dentate gyrus,DG),和CA1,CA2,CA3区。(具体分区有很多说法...
海马体(Hippocampus),位于大脑丘脑和内侧颞叶之间,属于边缘系统的一部分,主要负责短时记忆的存储转换和定向等功能。 海马体中有三种主要类型的兴奋性神经元:齿状回(DG)颗粒细胞将它们的轴突(苔藓纤维)投射到CA3锥体细胞。这些CA3神经元会和其他CA3神经元形成突触,并将轴突(Schaffer collateral)投射到CA1的锥体细胞上。
HippocampusBernard, C., Wheal, H.V.: Model of Local Connectivity Patterns in CA3 and CA1 Areas of The Hippocampus. Hippocampus 4, 497–529 (1994)Bernard, C. and Wheal, H. V. (1994) Model of local connectivity patterns in CA3 and CA1 areas of the hippocampus. Hippocampus 4, 497–...
When exploring new environments animals form spatial memories that are updated with experience and retrieved upon re-exposure to the same environment. The hippocampus is thought to support these memory processes, but how this is achieved by different sub
Images have been segmented and hippocampus subregions have been isolated (CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4, Subiculum). Putative cell soma positions have been isolated through image analysis. Subsequently, a pruning procedure allowed to assign the 3D coordinates to excitatory (1) and inhibitory (7) classes ...
Conclusion: The CA1, CA3 and DG regions of the hippocampus of Wistar rat could be divided under stereomicroscope, andthe divided each region was sensible for detection of protein using Western blot.= KEY WORDS> rat; hippocampus; CA1; CA3; dentate gyrus Lorente de No 将海马分为 Cornu Ammon...
海马(hippocampus)属于大脑的边缘系统,包括CA1、CA2、CA3 和CA4区。CA4区邻接齿状回,CA1区与副下托相连,在结构上无明 显分界标志,功能上可视为一个整体。有实验研究表明,海马是学习、 记忆的关键或中心〔1〕。但学习和记忆功能的实现需要多个脑区综合 作用,并不局限于大脑的某个特定区域〔2〕。外界信息通过眼...