hippocampus是海马的意思。是指人脑内的海马回,大脑内的一种结构。主要与记忆能力有关。 人脑内的海马分为4区,CA1、CA2、CA3、CA4。CA可能只是一种命名方式。hippocampus中取CA字母。 最新热门问答立定跳远后大腿痛,怎么消除 脑膜炎和脑萎缩的区别 天麻中药的药效功效,有什么作用呢?治疗类风湿吗? 结节红斑和脂...
而海马区可以细分为4个部分:齿状回(dentate gyrus,DG),和CA1,CA2,CA3区。(具体分区有很多说法...
【Keywords】5 HT;Hippocampus;CA1,CA2andCA3;Expression 海马(hippocampus)属于大脑的边缘系统,包括CA1、CA2、CA3和CA4区。CA4区邻接齿状回,CA1区与副下托相连,在结构上无明显分界标志,功能上可视为一个整体。有实验研究表明,海马是学习、记忆的关键或中心〔1〕。但学习和记忆功能的实现需要多个脑区综合作用,并...
(P<0.01) [Keywords]5一HT;Hippocampus;CA1,CA2andCA3;Expression 大鼠海马(hippocampus)属于大脑的边缘系 统,包括CA1,CA2和CA3.CA3邻接齿状回, CA1区与副下托相连.在结构上无明显分界标志, 功能上可视为一个整体.有实验研究表明,海马 是学习,记忆的关键或中心.但学习和记忆功能的 实现,需要多个脑区综合...
5一HT an tibody.Cond u. sions 5 -HT is wid ely distri buted and expr essed in the hippocampus .and involved in the process of learning and memo ry.【Key words] 5-HT;Hippocampus;CA1 ,cA2 and CA3 ;Expression 海马 (hippocampus)属 于大脑的边缘 系统 ,包括 CA1、CA2 、 CA3 和 CA4...
The contralateral and ipsilateral anterior–posterior extents of CA3 innervation to CA1 were similar. Fifteen to twenty per cent of the hippocampus proper cells that give rise to CA1 stratum oriens innervation were CA2 pyramidal cells, whereas CA2 cells were a mere 3% for CA1 stratum radiatum ...
A previous investigation by the authors group showed that Cu and EtOH co-treatment cause severe hippocampal neuronal loss in CA1, CA2, and CA3 subfields of rat hippocampus. This study was designed to analyze the possible mechanism(s) of action of this effect. In addition, the possible ...
The hippocampus is an essential brain area for learning and memory. However, the network mechanisms underlying memory storage, consolidation and retrieval remain incompletely understood. Place cell sequences during theta oscillations are thought to be re
DG–CA3 circuitry mediates hippocampal representations of latent information Article Open access 15 June 2020 Conjunctive encoding of exploratory intentions and spatial information in the hippocampus Article Open access 15 April 2024 Distinct codes for environment structure and symmetry in postrhinal and...