Archives of Medical ResearchIsordia-Salas I, Trejo-Aguilar A, Valades-Mejia MG, Santiago- German D, Leanos-Miranda A, Mendoza-Valdez L, et al. C677T Polymorphism of the 5,10 MTHFR Gene in Young Mexican Subjects with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. Arch Med Res 2010;41(4):246-250....
MTHFR C667T 基因多态性与子痫前期存在明显关联,但在欧 4 Erdogan MO,Yildiz SH,Solak M, et al. C677T polymorphism of the 洲人群及非洲分群中二者无明显关联关系, 同时也说明 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene does not affect folic acid, MTHFR C667T 基因多态性与子痫前期的关联关系存在明显 ...
【参考文献】 1. Mahmoud L B , Mdhaffar M , Frikha R , et al. Use of MTHFR C677T polymorphism and plasma pharmacokinetics to predict methotrexate toxicity in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.[J]. 2018. 2...
Overall survival (OS) was significantly longer in CRC patients with MTHFR 677 CT+TT genotypes compared with those with 677 CC genotype (HR 0.77; 95% CI 0.60-0.98). Although the MTHFR A1298C polymorphism was not associated with OS in CRC, this polymorphism was associated with significantly ...
Interaction could increase the risk of END, but it did not reach statistical significance ( OR 1.237, 95% CI 0.227-6.734; P=0.806). ConclusionMTHFR gene C677T polymorphism and hyperhomocysteinemia are associated with END in Han population with acute ischemic stroke in Chengdu area. KEYWORDS:...
[2]. Kosmas, I.P., A. Tatsioni, and J.P. Ioannidis, Association of C677T polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene with hypertension in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: a meta-analysis. J Hy [3]. Fletc...
ObjectiveTo investigate the associations of plasma homocysteine (Hcy) level and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene C677T polymorphism with white matter lesion (WML) in a Chinese Han population. MethodsA toal of 104 patients with WML and 74 controls were recruited. Hcy level and MTHFR...
Yang, LipingSpringer Berlin HeidelbergArchives of Gynecology & ObstetricsWu H et al. Genetic polymorphism of MTHFR C677T with preterm birth and low birth weight susceptibility: A meta-analysis. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics. 2017;295:1105-1118...
Association of the C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene with migraine: a meta-analysis. Cephalalgia 2007 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print].Rubino E, Ferrero M, Rainero I, Binello E, Vaula G, Pinessi L (2009) Association of the C677T polymorphism in the MTHFR gene with migraine: a ...
MTHFR的基因位于1号染色体。MTHFR基因检测是检测MTHFR基因C677T突变位点,该位点具有3种基因型:CC型(野生型)、CT型(杂合突变型)、TT型(纯合突变型)。 为什么要做MTHFR基因检测? 大家知道怀孕时需要吃叶酸,但是却不知道应该如何科学地补充叶酸,补到什么水平合适。可不可以根据体内叶酸水平,来补充叶酸呢?