cupla - C++ API to run CUDA/C++ on OpenMP, Threads, TBB, ... through Alpaka. [LGPLv3+] C++React - A reactive programming library for C++11. [Boost] FiberTaskingLib - Task-based multi-threading library that supports task graphs with arbitrary dependencies. [Apache] HPX - A general purpos...
沒有傳回規範 <stdnoreturn.h> VS 2019 16.8 C11、2104 執行緒支援 <threads.h> 是 Atomic 支援 <stdatomic.h> 實驗性 char16_t、 char32_t <uchar.h> VS 2019 16.8 C11 gets() 已移除 VS 2019 16.8 C11、N gets_s() VS 2019 16.8 C11 界限檢查介面 (*_s API) VS...
hook-std - star:54 挂钩和修改stdout/stderr testen - star:175 使用NVM在本地运行Node.js的多个版本的测试 Nightwatch - star:11905 基于Selenium WebDriver的自动化UI测试框架 WebdriverIO - star:9177 基于WebDriver协议的自动化测试 Jest - star:44489 无痛的JavaScript测试 TestCafe - star:9836 浏览器...
HANDLE*m_phWorkerThreads; #include<aclapi.h>intmain() {intres; std::cout<<"Hello World!\n"; thread1= CreateThread(NULL,0, Thread1, NULL, NULL, NULL); thread2= CreateThread(NULL,0, Thread3, NULL, NULL, NULL);//THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUMEm_phWorkerThreads =newHANDLE[ThreadTotal]; ...
CaptureThreads:通过 Ptrace 的方式使得目标进程可以被子进程 Dump,从而使得子进程获取父进程的信息; CaptureThreadInfo:通过 PTRACE_GETREGSET 获取寄存器的信息,部分 Heap 的内存可能被寄存器持有,这些被寄存器持有的 Heap 不应该被判定为泄漏; ProcessMappings:解析/proc/self/maps 文件信息,maps 文件记录了堆 heap 、...
mpirun -np $NUM_MPI_RANKS --map-by ppr:1:l3cache:pe=$OMP_NUM_THREADS vasp_std 复制代码 ...
How to use a static std::map in a class How to use AssemblyInfo.cpp HOw to use findfirst() and findnext() in C how to use grid control in MFC How to use ID2D1Bitmap::CopyFromMemory How to use system lib such as Winmm.lib How to use VirtualAlloc? How to use VS2008(v90) Platf...
要在多线程环境中运行已并行化的程序,必须在执行之前设置 OMP_NUM_THREADS环境变量。有关更多信息,请参见《Sun Studio 12 Update 1:OpenMP API 用户指南》。 如果使用 -xautopar 且在一个步骤中进行编译和链接,则链接会自动将微任务化库和线程安全的 C 运行时库包含进来。如果使用 -xautopar,而且在不同的步骤...
static inline void hashmap_unlock(struct attr_hashmap *map) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&map->mutex); } /* The container for objects stored in "struct attr_hashmap" */ struct attr_hash_entry { struct hashmap_entry ent; const char *key; /* the key; memory should be owned by ...