printf("%p",&myAge);// Outputs 0x7ffe5367e044 Try it Yourself » Note:The memory address is in hexadecimal form (0x..). You will probably not get the same result in your program, as this depends on where the variable is stored on your computer. ...
int data = *ptr; printf("Memory address of num: %p ", (void*)ptr); printf("Value at memory address: %d ", data); return 0; } 在这个示例中,我们声明了一个整数变量num和一个指针变量ptr,我们将指针变量指向num的内存地址,并使用解引用运算符获取了该地址处的值,我们打印出内存地址和对应的值。
#include <stdio.h> int main() { int num = 10; int* ptr = # printf("Value at memory address %p: %d\n", (void*)ptr, *ptr); return 0; } 复制代码 在这个示例中,我们声明了一个整型变量num并初始化为10,然后将其地址赋值给指针ptr。接着使用printf函数来打印指针ptr所指向的内存地址的...
int datasize;int row;printf("输入数据大小和行的大小:");scanf("%d %d", &datasize, &row);address = (void*)malloc(datasize);memory(address, datasize, row);free(address);}
(&charvar + 1));// intialize an int variable, print its address and the next addressint intvar = 1;printf("address of intvar = %p\n", (void *)(&intvar));printf("address of intvar - 1 = %p\n", (void *)(&intvar - 1));printf("address of intvar + 1 = %p\n", (...
(void*)&var); printf("Value at address %p: %d\n", (void*)ptr, *ptr); // 打印内存地址附近的几个字节 unsigned char *byte_ptr = (unsigned char*)ptr; for (int i = -5; i <= 5; i++) { printf("Byte at address %p: 0x%02X\n", (void*)(ptr + i), byte_ptr[i]); } ...
intx =1;printf("x's address is %p\n", &x); 上面示例中,x是一个整数变量,&x就是x的值所在的内存地址。printf()的%p是内存地址的占位符,可以打印出内存地址。 上一小节中,参数变量加1的函数,可以像下面这样使用。 voidincrement(int* p){ ...
voidfunctionMemCompare() {charstr1[32] ="hello\0word";charstr2[32] ="hello\0words";if(strcmp(str1, str2) ==0) {//strcmp(str1, str2) == 0printf("str1 == str2 false\n"); }else{ printf("str1 == str2 true\n"); ...
("%Lf",&a); printf(" Please enter a second number: "); scanf("%Lf",&b); // printf("%Lf + %Lf = %Lf \n",a,b,c); c = a / b; printf("%64.50Lf / %64.50Lf = %64.50Lf \n",a,b,c); printf("The Address of the Result in the Memory(hex): %p\n ",&c); return...
printf("%s, %d, address is: %p", __FILE__, __LINE__, p); // do sth return p; } int main() { fun(); return 0; } 统计 统计方案可以理解为日志方案的一种特殊实现,其主要原理是在分配的时候,统计分配次数,在释放的时候,则是统计释放的次数,这样在程序结束前判断这俩值是否一致,就能判断...