//Eigen::array<int, 1> reduction_dims{0}; //cout<< f.maximum(reduction_dims)<<endl; //Eigen::array<int, 2> offsets = {0, 0}; //Eigen::array<int, 2> extents = {2, 1}; //auto slice = f.slice(offsets, extents); //float *index = slice.data(); //cout << "slice" ...
<cartographer>/cartographer/mapping\2d\grid_2d.cc --- void Grid2D::GrowLimits(const Eigen::Vector2f& point, ...) { ... // const Eigen::Vector2d& old_max = limits_.max(); 如果定义old_max是引用,也会抛出这异常 const Eigen::Vector2d old_max = limits_.max(); const MapLimits new_...
vorzunehmen, darunter SPSen, HMIs, Roboter, Sensoren und Industriemaschinen. Die NI Smart Cameras können mit der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Software Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (AI) konfiguriert oder mit dem LabVIEW Real‑Time Module und dem Vision Development Module programmiert ...
一运行cartographer_node节点就会创建个MapBuilder,节点运行期间MapBuilder必须一直有效。换句话说,节点运行期间PoseGraph2D必须一直有效,所以也不可能通过运行时重创建PoseGraph2D方法来设置特定位姿。 销毁cartographer_node节点,然后以kidnap_pose2d为初始位姿,重新运行该节点。
Describe the issue I'm attempting to build version 1.15 from source in a Docker container with a base image of Ubuntu 22.04 as follows. I have GCC 11 installed along with Cmake 3.26.4. ARG ONNXRUNTIME_VERSION="1.15.0" ARG BRANCH=v${ONNXR...
cpp-netlib/uri - URI parser/builder library for C++, compatible with RFC 3986 and RFC 3987. [Boost] CppServer - Ultra fast and low latency asynchronous socket server & client C++ library with support TCP, SSL, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS, WebSocket protocols and 10K connections problem solution. [MIT...
我使用一个.glade文件来定义接口,并将它加载到应用程序中:builder.add_from_file ("src/filename.glade"); 显然,只有当我从项目文件夹(其中有src文件夹)运行程序时,它才能工作。我的问题是,在使用cmake在系统中安装应用程序之后,如何正确地定义到.glade文件的路由以使应用程序工作?(cmake文件是按照构建的)。总...
"EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR":"C:/Users/builder/Documents/Eigen3", "IRRLICHT_INSTALL_DIR":"C:/Users/builder/Documents/irrlicht-1.8.5", "BLAZE_INSTALL_DIR":"C:/Users/builder/Documents/blaze-3.8.1", "OptiX_INSTALL_DIR":"C:/ProgramData/NVIDIA Corporation/OptiX SDK 7.7.0", ...
Celero: 简单清晰的benchmark库, 特点就是简单易用没有废话.DigitalInBlue/Celero getopt: 解析命令行...
builder app kannst du 3d-ansichten des modells drehen und vergrößern, deinen baufortschritt verfolgen und deine liebsten lego sets abspeichern. mehr info nostalgische geschenke für star wars ™ fans tauche ein in die epische welt von lego® star wars ™ und erlebe unvergessliche...