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complexanalysis complex analytic fibe complex anomaly complex builder complex coherent nois complex conjugate mat complex cross-bedding complexcurve complex curvelinear i complexdelta complex eigenvalue complex experiment complex flnction complexity of chinese complex man complexmixture complex of inferiorit com...
The build ultimately breaks with the error traceback below. I've tested by piecemeal removing each command and the errors are always the same; it doesn't seem that this is tied to any one optional arg. I'm at a loss for my next step, and any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
我使用一个.glade文件来定义接口,并将它加载到应用程序中:builder.add_from_file ("src/"); 显然,只有当我从项目文件夹(其中有src文件夹)运行程序时,它才能工作。我的问题是,在使用cmake在系统中安装应用程序之后,如何正确地定义到.glade文件的路由以使应用程序工作?(cmake文件是按照构建的)。总...
#include "tensorflow/core/graph/graph_def_builder.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/errors.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/stringpiece.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/core/threadpool.h" #include "tensorflow/core/lib/io/path.h" ...
cpp-netlib/uri - URI parser/builder library for C++, compatible with RFC 3986 and RFC 3987. [BSL-1.0] cpr - A modern C++ HTTP requests library with a simple but powerful interface. Modeled after the Python Requests module. [MIT] website curlcpp - An object oriented C++ wrapper for CURL...
一、LocalTrajectoryBuilder2D::AddRangeData struct TimedRangefinderPoint { // 该点的3D坐标。2D点云时,z总是0,x、y满足sqrt(x*x + y*y)=R,tan(y/x)=Theta。 Eigen::Vector3f position; // 该点的时间戳,单位秒。 float time; }; RangeData是AddRangeData常用的数据类型。
cpp-netlib/uri - URI parser/builder library for C++, compatible with RFC 3986 and RFC 3987. [BSL-1.0] cpr - A modern C++ HTTP requests library with a simple but powerful interface. Modeled after the Python Requests module. [MIT] website curlcpp - An object oriented C++ wrapper for CURL...
Celero: 简单清晰的benchmark库, 特点就是简单易用没有废话.DigitalInBlue/Celero getopt: 解析命令行...
find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED) find_package(LuaGoogle REQUIRED) if(WIN32) # On Windows, Protobuf is incorrectly found by the bundled CMake module, so prefer native CMake config. set(protobuf_MODULE_COMPATIBLE TRUE CACHE INTERNAL "") find_package(Protobuf 3.0.0 CONFIG) else() find...