Cleans up a connection being harvested before the connetion is returned to the connection pool. cleanupExpiredSessionsInTheDatabase() - Method in interface Clean up expired sessions in the database clear(byte[]) - Static method in class weblo...
如果有可用的Connection,从Connection Pool 取出的Connection也不是直接就返回给程序,ADO.net还需要检查ConnectionString的ConnectionReset属性 (默认为True)是否需要对Connection 最一次reset。这是由于,之前从程序中返回的Connection可能已经被修改过,比如说使用 SqlConnection.ChangeDatabase method 修改当前的连接,此时返...
DDL statements that pertain to database users in the pool need to be performed carefully, as the pre-DDL sessions in the pool can still be given to clients post-DDL. For example, while dropping users, ensure that there are no sessions of that user in the pool and no connections to the...
calendar lookup database(日历查找数据库) 参见CLD。 Calendar Server application programming interface(Calendar Server 应用编程接口) 参见CSAPI。 calendar user agent(日历用户代理) 参见CUA。 callable statement(可调用语句) (n.)一个类,对于支持从存储过程返回结果集的数据库,该类可封装数据库的过程和函数调...
createdrop database createedit datum created a community created a grid createlinkedpart createlive creates a ras connect creates limitations creates the createelementexplode createelementtessella creatic nausea creating a natural lo creating a new compan creating a new list f creating a new respec cr...
ceilometer ceimc cek bir nefes daha cel cellulose celadedocpaldatabase celadon phoenix-head celaenomys celastin celastoid celastrus kusanoi celda 211 celebes celebrate a goal with celebrate leterno con celebrate the spring celebrate those steps celebrate celebre agg celebrex celebrities in etch s ...
number, failure in the broadband connection, loss of electrical power and delays that may occur in updating the Customer's location in the automatic location inform...
8、Database connection ( ) allows an application to reuse an existing connection from a pool instead of repeatedly establishing a new connection with the database.(3分) A、pooling B、pond C、connection D、link 9、There are three types of application programs to translate source code into ...
</DatabaseSchema> <ConnectionManager vLogin="test" rLogin="liaomin" rPassword="liaomin"> <RandomWaitPoolConnectionManager poolSize="40" timeout="30"/> </ConnectionManager> </DatabaseBackend> 无法连接会抛出以下异常 2012-05-16 15:56:11,468 WARN controller.virtualdatabase.testDB Error while ...