thrift - C#(CSharp)客户端连接池(ConnectionPool) 调用示例:var tran = ThriftPool.Instance().BorrowInstance(); TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(tran); var client = new xxxx(protocol); //xxxx为生成的thrift代理类的Client对象 var ret = client.TestMethod(parameters); //TestMethod为业务...
int Init(string& strMysqlIp, string&strUser, string&strPwd, string&strDbName, int nMysqlPort, int nConnNum);//connectionpool init void* getOneConn();//get a connection voidretOneConn(void* pMysql);// return a connection voidcheckConn(); // check the connection if is alive void* cre...
public class SimpleConnectionPool { //创建一个存放连接的池子,注意要保证线程安全 //因为要频繁的对数据库连接池取出和存放操作,所以使用LinkedList池子 public static LinkedList<Connection> pool = (LinkedList<Connection>) Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Connection>()); //在类加载后向数据库连接池...
typedefstruct{MYSQL*conn;// MySQL连接对象bool in_use;// 连接是否正在被使用}Connection; 1. 2. 3. 4. 然后,我们需要定义一个连接池的结构体,其中包含一些必要的属性。 typedefstruct{Connection*connections;// 连接池中的连接对象数组intsize;// 连接池的大小intused;// 已经被使用的连接数}ConnectionPool...
14:33:36 Encountered an error: External connection exception occurred: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v1/index.json (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1,'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed...
当我输入命令行 ( fdfs_upload_file /etc/fdfs/client.conf /usr/local/src/nginx-1.15.4.tar.gz) 的时候, 得到的响应: ERROR - file: connection_pool.c, line: 140, connect to server …:22122 (我的私人服务器ip地址, client测试, storage配置 用的均是这个ip地址) fail, errno: 110, error info...
InnodbBufferPoolReads 个 SUM InnoDB 缓冲池写入次数 InnodbBufferPoolWriteRequest 个 SUM 并行查询 当前并行查询线程数 TxsqlParallelThreadsCurrentlyUsed 个 MAX 并行查询错误数 TxsqlParallelStmtError 个 SUM 已执行并行查询数 TxsqlParallelStmtExecuted 个
Connection pool with after-connect hook for arbitrary connection setup LISTEN/NOTIFY Conversion of PostgreSQL arrays to Go slice mappings for integers, floats, and strings hstoresupport jsonandjsonbsupport MapsinetandcidrPostgreSQL types tonetip.Addrandnetip.Prefix ...
To improve security, the connection string is now stored encrypted and is decrypted only as needed; it can't be returned as plain text. The string can be obtained by using the CDatabase::Dump method. Signature of CWnd::OnPowerBroadcast is changed. The signature of this message handler is ...
线程池(Thread_pool)采用一定数量的工作线程来处理连接请求,通常比较适应于 OLTP 工作负载的场景。但线程池的不足在于当请求偏向于慢查询时,工作线程阻塞在高时延操作上,难以快速响应新的请求,导致系统吞吐量反而相较于传统 one-thread-per-connection(Per_thread)模式更低。 Per_thread 模式与 Thread_pool 模式各有...