Services Techniques Schlumberger PROTECTOR, THREAD;MATERIAL:STAMPED STEEL;HANDLE:WITHOUT;SCREW:NC46;TYPE:PIN demag Pump cover VC150/item: 4 R939002328 RIETSCHLEVC 200 (01) 102566-011 Part Number : PEATEXM20LN" 天然气阀 A.O.史密斯DW1810T TPM070ZTW10/80xxx100xxx rexrothVT10468-3X/BO-RO R...
支持动态设置 thread_handling 线程模式或连接池模式。 支持主从 bp 同步功能:当发生 HA 并进行主备切换后,备库通常需要一段比较长的时间来 warmup,把热点数据加载到buffer pool。为加速备机的预热,TXSQL 支持了主从 bp 同步功能。 支持Sort Merge Join 功能。
最近工作中有地方嵌入式程序出现莫名其妙的问题,有时候正常的变量值都会突变了导致问题。 这问题还是偶然出现的神秘莫测,若没有对内存检测的神器,很难定位。 比如char buf[5], memcpy(buf,"12345678",8) ;明显超过了buf的范围,但程序竟正常运行不会报错,也没任何提示。 这里明细写出来是为了展现问题,但项目中那...
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg); // Compile and link with -pthread, 线程库的名字叫pthread, 全名: libpthread.so libptread.a 参数: thread: 传出参数,是无符...
If you use per-thread locales, you should check your use of localeconv. If your code assumes that the lconv data returned is for the global locale, you should correct it.<math.h>C++ overloads of math library functions In previous versions, <math.h> defined some, but not all, of the...
() + "线程的i变量" +i);14}15};16};17publicclassThreadGroupTest{18publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args)throwsInterruptedException{19//获取主线程的线程组,这是所有线程默认的线程组20ThreadGroup mainGroup =Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();21System.out.println("主线程组的名称是: " +main...
The localeconv function declared in locale.h now works correctly when per-thread locale is enabled. In previous versions of the library, this function would return the lconv data for the global locale, not the thread's locale. If you use per-thread locales, you should check your use of loc...
CGO_NO_SANITIZE_THREAD int GSayHello(char* value) // test1.cgo2.c中调用的 GSayHello { __SIZE_TYPE__ _cgo_ctxt = _cgo_wait_runtime_init_done(); struct { char* p0; int r0; char __pad0[4]; } __attribute__((__packed__, __gcc_struct__)) _cgo_a; ...