代码参考: 1classSolution {2public:3//dp[i][k][p]: the most profit for i days, k times transaction, now have p position.4//i: day i5//k: k-th transaction6//p: position:0(pre-act is sell) or 1(pre-act is buy)7//case_1: p=0 (act is sell):dp[i][k][0]= max:8/...
publicintmaxProfit(int[]prices){if(prices.length==0){return0;}intK=2;int[][]dp=newint[prices.length][K+1];for(intk=1;k<=K;k++){for(inti=1;i<prices.length;i++){intmin=Integer.MAX_VALUE;//找出第 0 天到第 i 天 prices[buy] - dp[buy][k - 1] 的最小值for(intbuy=0;bu...
[LeetCode]Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 题目:Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 给定一个数组,数组中一个元素表示一天的股价,求一次交易能得到的最大收益。 思路: 数组可能是多个升序降序组成,只要能找到一组极值,使它们的差最大就可以了。 这样实际上就是每当找到一个极大值,就判断此时的到的差值是否...
length; sell++) { //出现下跌 if (prices[sell] < prices[sell - 1]) { //不是第 2 天下跌,就前一天卖出,累计收益 if (sell != 1) { profit += prices[sell - 1] - prices[buy]; } //下跌当天再次买入 buy = sell; //到最后一天是上涨,那就在最后一天卖出 } else if (sell == ...
If you were only permitted to complete at most one transaction (ie, buy one and sell one share of the stock), design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. class Solution { public: //只做一次交易 寻找最大的差值即可 int maxProfit(vector<int>& prices) { ...
Can you buy and sell stock on the same day? This is known as day trading, and in this guide, we'll walk you through it and set you up for success.
Trade stocks by speculating on the price action of listed companies or baskets of stocks. Explore stock trading and investing, as well as how to look for opportunities.
How To Buy And Sell Stocks: Use this IBD table to find stocks that are moving up and down in heavy volume on the stock market today.
To buystocks, you’ll typically need the assistance of astockbrokersince you cannot simply call up a stock exchange and ask to buy stocks directly. When you use a stockbroker, whether a human being or anonlineplatform, you can choose the investment that you wish to buy or sell and how th...
Should I Sell a Stock I Own If It Receives an Analysts Rating of "Sell"? Analysts' ratings are arrived at based on fundamental and econometric analysis of a company and its future prospects. But, analysts can sometimes be wrong or make a mistake. As a result, you will want to consider...