As early as September 2019, well before the normal start of the bushfire season, catastrophic fire danger conditions (FFDI above 100) were recorded at several locations in NSW18. Australia experienced its hottest year on record in 2019. The average maximum temperature was 2.09 °C above ...
Deciles show whether rainfall is above average, average or below average for the time period and area chosen. Pictures and data were published in the Bureau of Meteorology's annual statement [31] under Creative Commons licensing arrangements. Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI) is used in Australia...
Close to 100 fires were burning across NSW, and the RFS said some fires were generating their own thunderstorms. Conditions were expected to improve in coming days, before another burst of hot weather in about a week. “We will not get on top of these fires until we get some decent rain...
"This will continue to create dangerous conditions for the fires beyond today, so with hazardous weather set to impact the southeast during this busy holiday period, it's vital to keep yourself and loved ones safe," How said. Overnight a fire in eastern Victoria emitted a 14-km-high pyrocu...
Greater Sydney and two surrounding areas were rated as catastrophic for Saturday, and other areas were at extreme or very-high fire danger ratings. Close to 10,000 emergency personnel would be working across NSW on Saturday, which the NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott ...
In addition, Prometheus is the Canadian wildland fire growth simulation model based on Fire Weather Index and Fire Behaviour Prediction subsystems of the Fire Danger Rating System [100]. The model computes fire behaviour and spread depending on conditions, such as fuel, topography, and weather. ...