The influence of recent bushfires on water quality and the operation of water purification systems in regional NSWBushfireWater qualityTemperatureWater treatmentRegional AustraliaOver the past decade, escalating extreme weather events have significantly affected New South Wales (NSW), Australia, with ...
While prescribed burning is a common strategy used to reduce bushfire risk, mechanical thinning has not been as widely applied in Australia’s temperate forests in comparison with the USA and Europe. In this study we report results from a prescribed burning and mechanical thinning experiment in a...
Author Correction: The influence of recent bushfires on water quality and the operation of water purification systems in regional NSWdoi:10.1038/s41598-024-72927-6Jackson, ReedKrishna, K. C. BalLi, MiaoSathasivan, ArumugamSenevirathna, Lalantha...
recent trends in economic research valuing bushfire risk to homeowners: hedonic property values study in queensland, australiadoi:10.1016/j.eap.2019.04.013Wasantha AthukoralaWade MartinClevo WilsonDarshana RajapaksaEconomic Analysis and Policy
The contrasting regeneration outcomes of alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) and mountain ash (E. regnans) forests (collectively called ash) after the extensive and severe 2003, 2006/07 and 2009 bushfires in Victoria demonstrate the complexity of factors that influence the establishment of ash ...
Background: The compounding effects of climate change catastrophes such as bushfires and pandemics impose significant burden on individuals, societies, and their economies. The enduring effects of such syndemics on mental health remain poorly understood, particularly for at-risk populations (e.g., ...
Even so, two Supreme Courts have arrived at different conclusions with respect to the question of whether or not the NSW Rural Fire Service owes a common law duty of care to those at risk from bushfire. It is therefore argued that the issue of duty of care would benefit from a ...