SYDNEY, Feb. 2 (Xinhua) -- The emergency department in Western Australia(WA) has issued warnings of two separate bushfires in the state's southwest and the capital of Perth. The blaze in Perth started in the suburb of Canning Mills and it has burned at least 96 hectares of land so far...
SYDNEY, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Multiple fires have continued to rage in the state of Western Australia (WA) on Monday with more bushfire emergency warnings issued. The blaze has threatened several towns in the state in the past few days, with residents from some areas, including the small rai...
Fire crews in South Australia were tacking about a dozen blazes, while bushfires in Western Australia also sparked emergency warnings. 消防部门表示,自9月份火灾季节开始以来,新南威尔士州已有100万公顷土地遭遇火情。随着昆士兰州北部55起森林火灾迅速蔓延,该州也宣布进入紧急状态。尽管本周二昆州没有遭遇如此...
Providing satellite-based early warnings of fires to reduce fire flashovers on south africa's transmission lines In: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Australasian Bushfire Conference: Bushfire 2006, ICMS (June 2006), PE, ... P Frost,H Annegarn - IEE...
1.3 The 2009 Victorian Bushfires On 7 February 2009, the State of Victoria experienced Australia's worst single day of bushfires in recorded history. Bureau of Meteorology warnings of extreme fire danger weather expected on the day were broadcast frequently, and reported exte...
Predicting the number of daily human-caused bushfires to assist suppression planning in south-west Western Australia Data from bushfire incidents in south-west Western Australia from the Departments of Parks and Wildlife and Fire and Emergency Services were used to develo......
Queensland authorities have confirmed four homes have been destroyed. Fire damage assessments will continue in the town today, with warnings those losses could rise. Wallangarra resident Bryce Wells told the ABC he was scared for his life as the fi...
Thousands of residents have taken refuge at evacuation centres on NSW’s mid-north coast while scores of others have chosen to stare down “massive walls of glowing smoke” as they attempted to protect their homes. Emergency warnings were in place for fires at Hillville south of Taree and ne...
Data-driven models running on supercomputers can provide earlier and more accurate warning of firestorms, floods, hailstorms, cyclones and other extremes. Better warnings giveemergency servicescrucial hours that save lives and property. Both national facilities arecontributing resourcesto support researchers...
The Last Day Of The 2010s In Australia Was Marked By Red Skies And Emergency Warnings The last day of the decade was one of the worst yet in Australia's devastating fire season — with two months of summer still to go. by Lane Sainty BuzzFeed News Reporter, AustraliaA zoo was saved. ...