菟丝子补肾汤 ( tusizibushentang ) 菟丝子补肾汤《良方大全》 主治:补肾养肝,明目。主肾气不足。 处方:菟丝子9克,石斛9克,石决明9克,炒杭菊9克,当归9克,谷精草9克,炒茺蔚子9克,潼蒺藜9克,陈皮6克,炒谷芽5克。 用法用量:水煎服,每日1剂,日服3次。
( huangqidabushentang ) 黄耆大补肾汤《医心方》 主治:丈夫因虚劳损,梦泄盗汗,小便余沥。阴湿弱,欲成骨蒸者,名曰劳极。 处方:黄耆3两,生姜3钱,人参3钱,大枣20枚(擘),牡蛎2钱,芍药3钱,桂心3钱,五味子3钱,地骨皮3钱,茯苓3钱,防风3钱,橘皮3钱,磁石3钱(碎,绵裹),甘草2两(炙)。
Morning diarrhea as kidney-diarrhea is caused by Yang deficiency, and the decoction is used to cure morning diarrhea.迟经惠
Objective: To observe the clinical curative effects and safety of oral application of Bushen Huoxue Tang(补肾活血汤,BSHXT) combined with minimally invasive hip- preserving surgery for the treatment of kidney- deficiency- blood- stasis- type osteonecrosis of femoral head( ONFH). Methods: The medica...
Objective To identify the active components of Chinese herbal decoction of Bushen Huoxue Tang(BSHXT)involved in promoting the migration of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells(BMSCs) in vitro and the expression of CXCR4. Methods BSHXT was extracted with petroleum ether,ethyl acetate,absolute alcohol...
之前看到过一个段子,问“你减肥的真正目的是什么”,有三个选项:长寿,保持健康,艳压群芳。虽然不想承认,但是不得不说,最后一个选项可能是大部分人减肥的真实目的。如... 肚子越大,脑子越傻?柳叶刀子刊:内脏脂肪每增加0.27kg,认知年龄衰退0.7岁!但有2个方法可以改善...3166人阅读 减肥资讯 今年3月,世界肥胖...
1) BuShenShengXuedTang 补肾生血汤 1. Objective:To study clinical effect of BuShenShengXuedTang in children with iron deficiency anemia(IDA). 目的:观察补肾生血汤治疗小儿缺铁性贫血的临床疗效。 更多例句>> 2) Buxue Yishen Zisheng Tang 补血益肾资生汤 1. Treatment of Leukopenia by Buxue ...
1. The Study of Treatment for Delayed Menstrual Cycle with Bushenyijing Tang; 补肾益精汤治疗月经后期、量少48例研究2) YiJingBuShen Decoction 益精补肾汤 1. Clinical Study on the Ovulation Promoting Effect of YiJingBuShen Decoction; 益精补肾汤促排卵的临床研究...
Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of Bushen Huayu Tangshen Fang( 补肾化瘀 糖肾方)combined with West Medicine treating Qi-Yin deficiency with blood-stasis syndrome of Ⅳ-stage Diabetic Nephropathy( DN). Methods 82 patients of Qi-Yin deficiency with blood-stasis syndrome of Ⅳ-stage DN we...
方剂类型:解表剂、清热剂、泻下剂、祛风湿剂、祛湿利水剂、温里剂、理气剂、消导剂、驱虫剂、止血剂、活血剂、化痰止咳平喘剂、安神剂、熄风剂、开窍剂、补益剂、固涩剂。 方剂剂型:汤剂、丸剂、散剂、膏剂、丹剂、酒剂、药酒、冲剂、口服液剂、胶囊剂、片剂 ...