burgess shale基本解释 伯吉斯页岩;斯页岩;柏吉斯页岩 分词解释 burgess英国从城市或大学选出的议员 shale[矿]页岩 猜你喜欢 black shale黑色页岩 carbonaceous shale碳质页岩 oil shale油页岩 shale oil页岩油 shale shaker振动筛 oil shale recovery油页岩开采 oil shale resources油页岩资源 oil shale retorting油...
Related to Burgess Shale:Cambrian Explosion Burgess Shale A rock formation in the western Canadian Rockies containing a wealth of fossilized invertebrates of the early Cambrian Period that were buried by an underwater avalanche of fine silt, preserving many details of their soft parts and providing ...
Origin of Burgess Shale1 named after the Burgess Pass, where the bed is exposedDiscover More Example Sentences Only a dozen species have known complete appendages, yet most of those are preserved as highly compressed, flat fossils, as is seen in the Burgess Shale from British Columbia. From Sc...
burgess shale burgess shale发音 意思翻译 波基斯页岩 相似词语短语 Burgess Shale───波基斯页岩 burnt shale───[矿业]页岩残渣 burger chain───汉堡连锁店 burgesses───n.(英)自由民;市民;议员;(美)镇行政官;n.(Burgess)人名;(德)布格斯;(英)伯吉斯 ...
Burgess Shale A rock formation in the western Canadian Rockies containing a wealth of fossilized invertebrates of the early Cambrian Period that were buried by an underwater avalanche of fine silt, preserving many details of their soft parts and providing valuable information about the evolution of ...
将“Burgess Shale"翻译成世界文 Skistejo Burgess是将“Burgess Shale"翻译成 世界文。 译文示例:Juntos, todos estos parques nacionales y provinciales se han declarado un solo sitio de Patrimonio Mundial de la Unesco en 1984, para los paisajes de montaña únicos que se encuentran allí, com...
Burgess Shale +添加翻译 西班牙文-世界文字典 Skistejo Burgess HeiNER-the-Heidelberg-Named-Entity-... 显示算法生成的翻译 将“Burgess Shale"自动翻译成 世界文 Burgess Shale Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“Burgess Shale"翻译成 世界文 ...
必应词典为您提供Burgess-Shale-Formation的释义,网络释义: 伯吉斯页岩;吉斯叶岩地层;
古生物|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: 以下为句子列表: 英文: The Burgess Shale fossil site, well known for its fossil remains of soft-bodied marine animals, is also found there. 中文: 在这里的伯吉斯谢尔化石遗址里也有发现海洋软体动物的化石。更详细... ...