The Burgess Shale, discovered in 1909, contains the fossilized remains of unusual marine animals from shortly after the Cambrian explosion. This thesis delineates three distinct phases in Burgess Shale research. It examines why the Burgess Shale has inspired such dissimilar interpretations and asks ...
Less well known is the full story leading to Walcott's discovery in 1909.Desmond CollinsNatureMisadventures in the Burgess Shale. Collins D. Nature . 2009Collins D.Misadventures in the Burgess shale.Nature. 2009Collins D. Misadventures in the Burgess Shale. Nature. 2009;460:952- 53....
The extraordinary preservation of the labile tissues of these soft-bodied fossils has remained unexplained since Walcotts initial discovery in 1909, although several hypotheses have been offered. The mechanism of Burgess Shale-type preservation is demonstrated using sedimentologic and geochemical data from...
The fossils of the Burgess Shale, like the Burgess Shale itself, formed around 505 million years ago in the Mid Cambrian period. They were discovered in Canada in in 1886, and Charles Doolittle Walcott collected over 60,000 specimens in a series of field trips up from 1909 to 1924. After...
CARON, JeanBernardJournal of Southwest Jiaotong University
A Fossil Paradise: The Discovery of the Burgess Shale by Charles D. WalcottRead the full-text online article and more details about A Fossil Paradise: The Discovery of the Burgess Shale by Charles D. Walcott.ROM Magazine