The Trail Can Be Steep But then watch gets steadily steeper. This part has loose shale rock that can be slippery. I prefer to climb up it, rather than try to safely go down. Oh That Western Sky Cathy Holman Oh That Western Sky The vast views that the Bridle trail offers n...
伯吉斯页岩化石保存了 500 亿多年,是自然历史的里程碑,甚至比恐龙还要古老。据 加拿大公园2025 年是皇家安大略博物馆对伯吉斯页岩进行研究的 50 周年,也是 Yoho国家公园 可以坐在前排观看。 这些史前化石让我们得以一窥曾经覆盖该地区并在广阔的浅海中蓬勃发展的极其多样化的海洋生态系统。 “今天,这些化石被发现在...